Man on the run after stabbing prostitute 19 times

An outburst of violence and a bloodbath. In Cannes on the night of April 25 to 26, a sex worker was stabbed “without explanation” nineteen times by an individual still actively sought, learned 20 minutes this Tuesday from the parquet floor of Grasse. An investigation is opened for “attempted murder”. Transported to the hospital with her vital prognosis engaged, the young woman miraculously survived.

The first testimonies and video surveillance were able to establish the sequence of events, which occurred that night at 2:10 am. “An individual approached a young prostitute, concluded a service and engaged with her in a park. Without explanation, he stabbed him nineteen times, then fled following the intervention of a third party, ”explains deputy prosecutor Emilie Taligault. Supported by the emergency services, the victim, whose body was lacerated, finally comes out with a minimum of three weeks of ITT.

“None” mobile “a priori”

His attacker is currently in the wild. And his motive remains unknown. He had “none, a priori”, replies the deputy prosecutor to 20 minutes. There was “no theft” and there would be, in any case at this stage, “no explanation” for this attack, specifies the magistrate. The investigations are continuing.

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