Man drives around hydrants and garbage cans when drunk driving – Bavaria

While driving in Swabia, a drunk man collided with his car with several objects. This caused damage of around 20,000 euros, as the police announced on Thursday.

The 60-year-old drove into a hydrant in Kempten (Allgäu) on Wednesday in such a way that it was torn from its anchorage and large amounts of water escaped. He continued his journey and collided with several garbage cans, a stone staircase and his own hedge. According to the information, the drunk finally managed to park his car in the garage.

Because he had lost his license plate on the way, the man was located by the officers. However, the 60-year-old did not open the door for the patrol, which is why the public prosecutor ordered the apartment to be entered. The police officers reached the man, who was already asleep in bed, through an open balcony door, a police spokesman said on Thursday.

An alcohol test showed a good 1.1 per mille. The man is being investigated for endangering road traffic and hitting the road.

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