Man comes into custody after being threatened with a pistol – Bavaria

He is said to have threatened a man with a pistol: A 19-year-old’s escape from the police in Würzburg ended in an accident in which six cars were damaged. The young man was taken into custody. The police and the public prosecutor announced on Saturday that he had already argued with a 20-year-old over text messages on Thursday. Under a pretext, the 19-year-old lured him out of his apartment and threatened him with a pistol. The 20-year-old only went to the police the next day, it was said.

The moment officers arrived at the scene, the 19-year-old drove by in his car. According to the police, he drove through the streets at almost 100 kilometers per hour and ignored a red traffic light. He also almost caught a police officer. When the 19-year-old raced through an intersection a little later, his car crashed into the car of a 47-year-old who was crossing. The 19-year-old’s car was then thrown against a traffic sign and against a parked car. This in turn pushed three other parked vehicles together. The 47-year-old suffered minor injuries.

The 19-year-old then ran away on foot. Several officers caught up with him and arrested him. On the order of an investigating judge, the man was taken into custody on Saturday. He is being investigated on suspicion of severe extortion, endangering road traffic and prohibited motor vehicle racing.

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