man armed with knife threatens police before being shot

A man armed with a knife and shouting “Allahou Akbar” threatened police officers in Colombes (Hauts-de-Seine), near Paris on Friday, before being shot, AFP learned from police sources on Friday. This man “threw a bottle at the troops and a knife in his hand and shouted Allahu Akbar” as he approached the police “on the occasion of a road check” without injuring the officials. police, said a police source.

Wounded by bullets by the police “at the level of the basin”, he died, said a second police source. This “French” man is “known for common law facts” and “unknown to the file processing reports for the prevention of terrorist radicalization” (FSPRT), according to these sources.

IGPN entered

Born in 1990 and living in Aulnay-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis), he was known to the police for traffic, customs and narcotics offenses, said a police unionist. “I salute the coolness of the Colombes police officers who neutralized a man threatening them with a knife. More than ever, we must remain vigilant and more than ever, the police are on the front line, ”tweeted Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin.

Contacted by AFP, the EELV mayor of Colombes, Patrick Chaïmovitch described the place as “a friendly neighborhood, working-class housing, on a very temporary axis, between Bezons and La Défense, but it is also a neighborhood that feels abandoned by the public authorities for years ”. According to a police unionist, Petit-Colombes is also known for its shootings and settling of scores. The Hauts-de-Seine judicial police and the IGPN, the police force are seized.

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