Mamadou Sakho dismissed by his club

According to The Team, French international footballer Mamadou Sakho (29 caps) was dismissed by his club MHSC. According to information from the sports daily, the day before, the defender had a violent altercation with his coach Michel Der Zakarian, who ended up on the ground. Sakho was absent from training open to the public on Wednesday.

The club would have carried out an internal investigation, particularly with other players on the squad, in order to find out more precisely the nature of the altercation. Since the start of the season, the hero of the play-off match for qualification for the 2014 World Cup, between France and Ukraine (3-0), the Montpellier player has only played part of the match against Rennes ( 0-0). He spends most of his time on the substitutes’ bench.

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