Malou Khebizi and Agathe Riedinger, two debutantes shine for “Rough Diamond”

Rough diamondthis title is ideal for the director Agathe Riedinger and the actress Malou Khebizi, accomplices for this first film presented this Wednesday afternoon in competition at the Cannes Film Festival. These two young women make a remarkable debut with this portrait of a 19-year-old girl who dreams of breaking out of her environment by becoming an influencer.

Speaking of dreams, does competing at Cannes for your first feature film seem like a daydream? “My reaction was in two stages,” confides the director to 20 minutes. First, that of preparation: an incredible whirlwind between absolute terror and immense joy: heightened emotions in any case. Since yesterday and our arrival in Cannes, I have been stunned because we have entered into concrete matters. »

Actress Malou Khebizi had only appeared in a short film before getting the role of Liane, a social media warrior hoping to get cast in a reality TV show. She is in every shot of the film and she brings out the incredible strength and fragility of this city flower which is a bit reminiscent of the Dardenne brothers’ Rosetta in its freshness. “I am proud and happy that this subject is being highlighted,” declares Malou Khebizi. I identify with this character from my generation even though I am not her. »

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Unlike the heroine of the film, the young woman did not place all her hopes for the future in obtaining this role. “But makeup and outfits are also very important to me, I can understand Liane. » It is shown without the slightest condescension by the director who makes the viewer totally empathetic for this fighter with stunning looks and impressive makeup. “We worked on Liane’s outfits down to the smallest detail, taking care to avoid caricature. His appearance is his way of fighting, his way of existing, his army in a way,” insists the filmmaker.

A very prepared climb of the Steps

The filmmaker and the actress did the same to prepare for the rise of the Marches this Wednesday afternoon. “Appearance is one of the subjects of the film so it was impossible for us to leave ours to chance on the Marches. The choice of our outfits had to fit into the message of the film and the values ​​of femininity that we wanted to show. It’s a bit of a scary prospect though. We’ll hold hands and maybe hold back a few tears. »

Towards fame

Malou Khebizi is slowly preparing to experience these last moments of anonymity because her life will change after Cannes. “As I am very different from Liane physically, I can envisage what happens next without thinking that I will be taken for her. I know that I will have to work a lot after this film because the acting profession is very competitive. » We could see her impressing Greta Gerwig and her jury when the awards came. “I have the impression that Cannes is a great adventure in the big leagues,” explains Agathe Riedinger. She’s only just getting started.

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