Mallorca: Only six drinks a day – travel

If these are really not the best times for a carefree everyday life, escaping it is also spoiled: Corona hardly seems to have crumbled away as a tourist fun brake when the exploding energy prices turn the corner just in time for the start of the holiday season. Cruise operators are already beginning to charge a surcharge because of high fuel costs; and even the low fares of the airlines, which many penny pinchers consider to be a fundamental right, are no longer safe from increases.

Only six free drinks a day, that was not enough for a British holidaymaker

But while this can at least be blamed on Putin and dismissed as a luxury problem, in many places a different kind of fuel is turned off almost arbitrarily. Because you shouldn’t even be allowed to give yourself an edge while on vacation. While Tyrol, for example, has declared war on après-ski excesses before the winter season, albeit arguably somewhat unsuccessfully, Mallorca has been looking to rein in drinking tourism for some time, particularly among the British. According to media reports, only six alcoholic drinks per day are now free of charge in the all-inclusive hotels due to the rules issued in 2020, divided equally between lunch and dinner, which may give the Queen a nice permanent buzz, but not the seasoned Englishman orderly Brexit from the harsh reality.

A 42-year-old man was right to see aloud Daily Mail ‘ruined’ his £240 all-inclusive holiday because the new rules restricted his ‘free booze voucher’. No sooner has a message of solidarity been opened to calm the shock than a message reminds us that Corona is still here: Italy has extended its 3-G regulation for tourist entries until May 31, albeit without this strange localization form.

Because the constant grumbling is as unsexy in the long run as the bawling on Mallorca and everything is also a question of perspective, there are a few more sober reports at the end: Firstly, the prices for cruise ships and planes are due to the climate crisis anyway have fallen into disrepute. Secondly, Mallorca is obviously serious about the fight against drinking tourism. And thirdly, in Italy, which can be reached without a plane or cruise ship, you have been allowed to go to restaurants again without a green passport and mask since May 1st. There shouldn’t even be a wine limit there.

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