Mallorca – Car Rental Prices Fall – Travel

Car rental prices in Mallorca are falling. During the Easter and Pentecost holidays, bottlenecks meant that holidaymakers could hardly rent even the smallest car for less than 50 euros a day, not including any insurance. Antoni Masferrer, President of the Association of Car Rentals in the Balearic Islands, has now confirmed that Majorca newspaper: “In the past few days and weeks, numerous cars have arrived on Mallorca, some of which have been bought up by rental car companies abroad in order to meet the demand.” This would ease the situation noticeably in July. Those who are currently researching on the booking platforms are being offered prices that are on average a quarter to a third lower than in spring. For August, however, they will pick up again, since then there will be even more holidaymakers on Mallorca and demand is already increasing noticeably.

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