Making your own fireworks is not a good idea

Over time, the traditional July 14 fireworks have spread haphazardly to gardens, parks, beaches, streets, performed by everyone and anyone. Admittedly, launching a pair of rockets from Auntie Josette’s balcony or from Grandpa Michel’s garden makes children laugh. However, apart from the fact that it remains dangerous and that accidents are to be deplored every year, there are two other good reasons not to succumb to the temptation this year in the North: the risk of fire linked to the drought and the prefectural ban.

From the first riots that followed the death of young Nahel in Nanterre on June 27, many prefects in France issued orders prohibiting the purchase, transport and possession of fireworks. The aim was to prevent the rioters as much as possible from supplying themselves with mortars, a weapon by destination widely used during clashes with the police. Except that in the North, it was enough to cross the border to get supplies in Belgium, circumventing the prohibition of sale but not that of transport and detention. Since then, “the police have seized 2,049 fireworks [mortiers et artifices] over the whole of the Nord department”, details 20 minutes the northern prefecture.

From a simple fine to ten years imprisonment

Without mentioning the number of people concerned, or whether these seizures gave rise to arrests, this source nevertheless insists on the fact that “any person who does not respect the decree in force on artifices may be the subject of a fine for 2nd class fines “. However, the amount of this type of fine is not necessarily dissuasive, the fixed fine being 35 euros, reduced to 22, increased to 75 euros, and which can be further increased to 150 euros “in the event of recidivism”.

In Lille, the fireworks were maintained, however advanced by one hour at the request of the prefect. On the other hand, many French municipalities have already canceled this type of festivities, especially in the Gard, due to the risk of fires. Logical, therefore, that private pyrotechnic inclinations are prohibited in stride.

The authorities thus recall that “the use of fireworks and pyrotechnic articles without authorization or in violation of the regulations in force is punishable by the fine provided for 5th class contraventions”. And there, the amount of the fines can calm down, between 1,500 euros and 3,000 euros in the event of a repeat offense. And if your homemade fireworks were to cause a fire, the northern prefecture says the penalty is six months in prison. A sentence of up to ten years in prison and a fine of 150,000 euros “if the fire caused the death of one or more people”.

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