Making a rock garden with succulents: varieties and advice

Rockery Succulents
© istock

Define the location of your rock garden

Succulents suitable for rockeries prefer slightly dry soils, but also very bright areas, avoiding full sun. This is because rocks store heat when they are exposed to too much sunlight. This then risks damaging your plants.

You have many places in the garden which are perfectly suited to the rock garden: along the river, on the terrace, at the edge of your pond… It is preferable to integrate it into an already vegetated area with a shrubby hedge as a backdrop or in the heart of a flower bed which creates a nice contrast with the riprap.

Our advice: Also, don’t hesitate to think about areas that are more difficult to access or maintain. As rock gardens do not require care, it is a way to enhance them. On the other hand, you avoid areas that are too steep which risk dragging the stones downward or moving them in the event of heavy rainfall.

The choice of rock stones

You should know that the most beautiful rockeries are those which seem fit naturally into the environment. We have the impression that they have always existed. If you want to achieve this very natural result, opt for rocks and stones from the region. Collect those that are already in the garden or vegetable patch.

If you don’t have one, take a look at DIY stores or garden centers which offer you a very varied choice. Different sizes, origins, weights and shapes, all you have to do is select the ones that catch your attention.

Among those which are often the most popular, you find:

  • Rocks that may be volcanicholes or smooth, marbled or natural or colored, originating from the Rhine, Burgundy…
  • The pebbles have a plain or streaked appearance, they are small or large, gray, white, pink or beige, here too the variety is very diverse.
  • Exceptional rocks : we are talking about exotic rocks, very large sizes or original shapes.
  • Decorative gravel can offer a white, pink or natural tint, it is often lava stone, from the Marne, from the Ardennes…
  • The slate: crushed or in blocks.

The choice of succulents

Once the decorative elements and the location have been carefully selected, you must choose your succulents carefully in order to create a beautiful, very harmonious rockery.

Agave and cactus: the choice of elegance and resistance

It’s difficult to forget these plants when creating a rock garden. They are in fact perfectly suited to this use due to the aridity of the soil. If you plant them in a mixture of granite-rich substrate and a little gravel and sand, they develop well.

This keeps the roots in perfect health and creates the perfect environment to nourish the plant. They require little maintenance, provided that the species selected are suitable for the climatic conditions.

American agave is interesting because it produces suckers that you can then replant. This allows you to create beautiful compositions.

Aloe, Yucca and Jade Tree

By introducing these plants into your rock garden, you are opting for a beautiful diversity and an aesthetic and attractive result. Yuccas are very elegant with their majestic appearance and erect leaves. They blend harmoniously into the rocky environment. This is a very original option and has the most beautiful effect.

The Jade tree or Crassula ovata has a bushy habit reminiscent of bonsai as well as evergreen foliage, all qualities to beautify your rock garden and give it a unique look. On the other hand, you must consider offering it a mixture of garden soil, sand and potting soil so that it develops perfectly and to ensure lasting vitality.

Aloe is a succulent plant which has many benefits for well-being and which provides a touch of greenery to this decor. To keep this plant for a long time, it is best to grow it in a mixture of potting soil, sand and garden soil.

Lampranthus and Echeveria tolimensis to add shine

By adding these two plants to the rock garden, you give it a vibrant look that attracts all eyes. Lampranthus is, however, more suited to warm climates. It resists the sun remarkably well. Not very difficult, it flourishes in the poorest and driest soils. It is very abundant flowering and bright color which will undoubtedly convince you.

As for Echeveria tolimensis, it is distinguished by its flower stems of a pretty, very bright orange-yellow and its graphic foliage decorated with green and vermilion. It’s here luminosity it brings to your composition which gets all the attention. It would be a shame to deprive yourself of this original, modern and vibrant touch.

The sedums

Sedums include more than 400 species and are often called stonecrops. They are very aesthetic with their beautiful foliage and their starry flowers which appear from May to the beginning of winter and present different shades. You choose them with an upright or covering shape depending on the volume you want to give to your rockery.

Succulents with very original shapes

To add a very unique touch to your rockery, focus on species sought after by collectors such as Cereus and Opuntia. Their abnormal and very particular shape justifies this choice and arouses curiosity. Especially since they are completely natural.

Some additional tips :

Before making your choice, think about the climatic conditions to which your succulents will be exposed. Some are perfectly resistant to cold, but others like milder, more temperate regions. You must therefore be very vigilant to obtain a lasting result. Do not hesitate to inquire about purchasing your plants and seek advice from the specialists at your garden center.

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