Magic duo Ehrlich Brothers in the Asterix podcast: “He’s got the cool juice!”

“Asterix – the Podcast”
Magic duo Ehrlich Brothers on the Gallic druid: “He’s got the cool juice!”

The Gallic druid Miraculix


in the star-Podcast, the magic duo Ehrlich Brothers speaks with culture editor Matthias Schmidt about the art of Miraculix and his legendary magic potion. The two famous brothers are actually a bit jealous of the druid: “Because he doesn’t need as much preparation as we do if he wants to let a Lamborghini float.”

Listen to the podcast here or directly at Audio Now, Spotify, iTunes and other podcast providers.

He prefers to sit in the trees and cut mistletoe; he usually holds back in a brawl. The druid Miraculix is ​​a person of absolute respect in the village of Asterix, not only because of his secret recipe for an invincible brew. The old, wise man, who with his white robe and long beard is reminiscent of other great magicians such as Gandalf or Dumbledore, is also indispensable for the Gauls as a teacher, arbiter and medicine man.

The work of Miraculix is ​​the focus of the fourth episode of the Asterix podcast from star-Culture editor and host Matthias Schmidt. This time he invited two men from the field as experts: Andreas and Chris Ehrlich, better known as the Ehrlich Brothers, who regularly fill large halls with their illusion shows and enchant children and adults alike. “As a child I was weak and a snake in glasses,” admits Andreas Ehrlich. “For me, the magic potion would have been just the thing.”

“The reality is sad enough”

The brothers have already thought about a magic carpet like in “Asterix in the Orient”. But then they chose a sports car and a flying Harley for their performances. Andreas Ehrlich: “We never wanted to be like Miraculix, we wanted to be modern and young. But it just has the cool juice!” Nevertheless, it is appropriate that he is considered one of the oldest villagers. “You need a certain age, a certain maturity for the art of magic,” says Chris Ehrlich. “It was like that with Houdini or David Copperfield.”

Similar to the Druid, the Ehrlich Brothers see their skills not just as entertainment and pastime. With its magic, Miraculix guarantees independence from the Roman occupiers. “We want to amaze people,” says Andreas Ehrlich. Although that is completely apolitical, it is more important than ever: “The reality is already dreary enough.”

Asterix films: successful or wrong?

Schmidts devotes himself to the section “At the Teutates” star-Colleague Bernd Teichmann this time the Asterix films. His verdict: the majority did not really succeed, but there are exceptions. And he knows to report that the own film studio of Asterix inventors René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo, founded in the 1970s, soon had to file for bankruptcy again – for tragic reasons.

For his Asterix podcast, host Matthias Schmidt regularly takes a closer look at a character from the Asterix universe. In addition to Obelix, Troubadix and women like Gutemine and Falbala, Verleihnix, Caesar and of course Asterix himself will follow soon star-Culture editor with Asterix experts: inside and prominent fans, including the “quiz doctor” Thomas Kinne, the entertainer Hella von Sinnen, the cook Johann Lafer and the translators Gudrun Penndorf and Klaus Jöken.

“Asterix – the Podcast” appears every two weeks on Thursdays on and the Youtube channel ofstar as well as on Audio Now and all common podcast platforms.

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