Madonna begins auditions for her biopic… Carla Bruni gives in to the fashion for star recipes…

February 16, 2022

Vitaa gives her pregnant woman sports routine

Vitaa is in her last trimester of pregnancy, but the star hasn’t stopped the sport for all that! The singer wanted to share on
instagram her “gentle” routine, which “accompanied her throughout” her pregnancy.

On the program, mats, weights, dumbbells, and many other exercises to give ideas to pregnant women who want to stay in shape. Expecting a baby “is not about being sick but preparing your body for the most beautiful of transformations: giving life”, she adds.

Good ideas, yes, but which put Amel Bent, also pregnant, on the kneecaps just by watching her video! “And me who is out of breath going from the kitchen to the living room. Congratulations champion, ”wrote the interpreter of My philosophy in the comments, embellished with a laughing emoji.

Madonna loves auditions for her biopic

Carla Bruni gives in to the fashion of star recipes

The lives of stars can sometimes make you dream… but so can their cuisine! Carla Bruni gave in to the fashion of stars who offer their favorite recipes, posting on her
instagram a delicious salad of artichokes with parmesan.

And the ingredients are simple: three artichokes, an onion, parmesan, olive oil, salt, pepper and a few drops of lemon. All well mixed, and presto, “delicious salad”.

Enjoy your lunch !

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