Madame Monsieur’s new EP is more intimate and talks about “those we don’t hear”

The Madame Monsieur duo experienced productive confinements. “We created a lot of songs. Production, direction, arrangements, recording, we both did everything at home, ”says Jean-Karl Lucas. A work of craftsmanship in pairs and a kind of counterbalance, imposed by force of circumstances, to their previous project, Tandem, a double album of twenty-five titles with as many guest artists (Hatik, Soprano, Slimane, Kyo, Dadju … ).

Some of these new songs have been released over the past few months, including the piano-voice ballad Next sun or dancing Damaged hearts dressed in eighties-tone synths. Six others are to be discovered on the EP Mortal people coming out this Friday. “We allowed ourselves to have fun around this revival of the 1990s and 2000s: Zazie, Dido… And we made other more pop songs, in tune with the times. We had fun, ”continues the musician.

“It is not because someone has strong opinions that it is interesting”

The double meaning of the title Mortal people is deliberate. “It’s a way of talking about all those who can’t be heard, who don’t wave, don’t make noise, who don’t yell indiscriminately on social media and who are just trying to to be good people on a daily basis. It’s also us, mortal people, we want to show that we make beautiful songs. And then, it says that we will all disappear one day, end up the same way. It’s a kind of fatalism, ”explains the duo.

The first extract, We’re all somebody’s jerk, set the tone this fall. “Without being a hero, nor a saint, you will not save the world, but you will save someone,” sings Emilie Satt. “We see poetry in everyday life. Everyone has something interesting, she says. It is not because someone speaks louder than others and has strong opinions that they are necessarily more interesting and richer on the inside. I like “middle earth”, which could be called lukewarm perhaps, but that doesn’t mean it has less to tell. “

“We are in a society where we are urged to choose sides all the time. Not only must it be chosen quickly, but also shout it out loud and clear. In this period of presidential campaign which opens and promises to be more than tough, it is good to return to values ​​of reflection, to put on pause sometimes, and not necessarily to react all the time to everything that is happening. pass ”, supports Jean-Karl Lucas.

“In each song, a lot of things talk about us”

The other particularity of these new songs is that they have a more intimate dimension for the duo on the stage which is a couple in the city. “In each song, when we know how to read between the lines, there are a lot of things that speak of us. Emilie says things in a roundabout way, talks about her, how she is, her personality… ”, supports Monsieur.

“The most personal is Bleed, which tells about what happened to us – and what happens to millions of people -: losing a baby. It is a trivial ordeal but no less overwhelming and traumatic. It did us good to talk about it, says the singer. If it can comfort other people, it is good, because after that we had the chance to live a happy story and to have a beautiful baby boy. [César, né en juillet 2020]. This song also represents us quite a bit in the simplicity of the subject, the message, the relationship to one another. “

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