Macron’s first visit: Scholz: Franco-German friendship more important than ever

Macron’s inaugural visit
Scholz: Franco-German friendship more important than ever

Chancellor Olaf Scholz receives French President Emmanuel Macron in the Federal Chancellery. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa

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For the first time since his re-election, the French President is traveling to Berlin to meet Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The traditional inaugural visit is under special circumstances.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) emphasized the further close cooperation with France in the European Union.

The Franco-German friendship is more important than ever as a driving force, he said during President Emmanuel Macron’s inaugural visit after his re-election in Berlin on Monday evening. Scholz said it was important that France made a clear decision in favor of Europe in the presidential election. Macron came to Berlin for the first foreign visit of his second term.

Scholz explained that it was about “new impetus” for Europe. Russia’s “appalling war of aggression” in Ukraine is forging the European partners together; it is also important to act together. The Chancellor emphasized: “Ukraine is part of the European family.” He referred to the applications submitted by the government in Kyiv. Scholz also highlighted the EU accession processes of the western Balkan states. Blockades would have to be overcome here.


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