Macron’s decision to dissolve the Assembly plunged France “into an unprecedented crisis”

He presides over the third chamber of the Republic, although much less known than the National Assembly and the Senate. At the head of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (Cese), Thierry Beaudet could not remain silent on the situation in the country a few days before the first round of the early legislative elections. And he is not being kind to President Macron, whose decision to dissolve the National Assembly has plunged France “into an unprecedented political and democratic crisis”, he believes in an interview. published this Wednesday in The gallery.

Because, in three weeks, “no political party can listen to the suffering and aspirations of citizens, deduce a solid project, confront it with those of its rivals, pour it into the public debate, compose a list of 577 serious and prepared candidates », Judge Thierry Beaudet.

The RN wants to abolish the institution

The president of Cese takes the opportunity to attack the extreme right, today “at the gates of power”, which has always “fought parliamentary democracy, maintained racism, anti-Semitism, sexism, hatred of other, pursued counter-powers, fundamental rights and the rule of law.”

“Some say that his contemporary face would really be different from this dark picture; but I don’t want us to take the risk of testing it on a real scale,” he continues, worried about the possible disappearance of his institution if the National Rally comes to power.

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