Macron receives Borne and several ministers at the Élysée

Macron will receive Borne and Darmanin at the Élysée to study the different options on the immigration bill

According to information from BFMTV, Emmanuel Macron will receive in the next few minutes, at the Élysée, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt as well as his counterpart for Relations with the Parliament, Franck Riester.

Objective: study the different options for examining the immigration bill.

Ciotti believes that this “situation reflects the failure of Macron’s ‘at the same time’”

Referring to the adoption of the motion to reject the immigration bill, Éric Ciotti judges on Europe 1 that this “situation reflects the failure of the ‘at the same time’ of the President of the Republic”.

“Since 2017, our country has been governed in a form of permanent yo-yo,” denounces the president of the Les Républicains party. This leads, according to him, to “immobility and helplessness”.

The MP for Alpes-Maritimes refers to the fact that the bill included both measures to facilitate expulsions and a provision aimed at regularizing undocumented workers working in sectors in tension.

Yesterday, a majority of LR deputies, including Éric Ciotti, voted for the motion to reject.

Jordan Bardella judges that the RN “becomes a government formation”

“The times have changed”. Seeking to normalize the RN, Jordan Bardella judges that his party “is becoming a government formation”.

Jordan Bardella ready to be a “Prime Minister of cohabitation” in case of dissolution

If the RN wins the legislative elections after a possible dissolution of the National Assembly, Jordan Bardella says he is ready on BFMTV-RMC to be “a Prime Minister of cohabitation”.

For Bardella, the RN “could obtain a majority” in the event of the dissolution of the National Assembly

“I think the National Rally could obtain a majority,” said Jordan Bardella on BFMTV-RMC, after being asked about the possibility of new legislative elections in the event of the dissolution of the National Assembly.

“The only honorable way”: Bardella calls for the dissolution of the National Assembly

Faced with a “major political crisis” the “only honorable path is to return to the people”, believes Jordan Bardella, who thus pleads for the dissolution of the National Assembly and the organization of new legislative elections.

The president of the RN also calls for the resignation of Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin.

More information here.

Jordan Bardella believes that the RN “protected the French” by voting for the motion to reject

Guest of BFMTV-RMC, Jordan Bardella responds to Gérald Darmanin who accused him of “absolute cynicism”, by voting for the motion to reject, while he wanted to “constantly debate immigration”.

“The National Rally protected the French from the establishment in our law of a new immigration channel, that of the regularization of undocumented workers,” replies the president of the RN, who refers to the creation of a title of stay for undocumented workers working in sectors in tension.

Gérald Darmanin denounces an “alliance of opposites” after the vote on the motion to reject

The Minister of the Interior attacks an “alliance of opposites”, in reference to the votes of left-wing groups, the RN and some of the LR deputies on the rejection motion.

Darmanin expresses “his great motivation” to “adopt extremely strong measures”

The Minister of the Interior expresses his “great perseverance” and “his great motivation” so that “we very quickly adopt extremely strong measures against irregular immigration”.

Darmanin believes that the oppositions “played against France”

Gérald Darmanin seeks to take public opinion as witness and judges that the oppositions, guilty of “political politics” according to him, have played “against France”, by adopting a motion of rejection.

Darmanin “regrets that we are wasting time to protect the French”

Gérald Darmanin speaks from the Maisons-Alfort police station. “As I have done almost every day since I became Minister of the Interior, I visit the police and gendarmerie personnel,” he introduced, specifying that “14 additional police officers” will be deployed “in the district”.

“It’s also an opportunity for me to try to convince,” said the boss of Place Beauvau, after the adoption of the motion to reject. Stressing that it is “very important to be able to continue to provide the police and gendarmes with the means to fight against irregular immigration”, he adds:

“I deeply regret that we are wasting time to protect the French”

The minister wants “firm measures” against “irregular immigration” and “foreigners’ delinquency” to be “adopted by the end of the year”.

Tanguy accuses Macron of “despising Parliament” by refusing Darmanin’s resignation

“By immediately refusing” the resignation of Gérald Darmanin, “Mr. Maron despises Parliament,” said National Rally deputy Jean-Philippe Tanguy on France 2.

The far-right elected official also denounces the immigration bill, which is, according to him, a text of “extreme weakness and migratory overwhelm”.

Resignation of Darmanin refused by Macron: Bompard sees it as a “democratic problem”

Kill two birds with one stone. The coordinator of La France insoumise, Manuel Bompard, again pleads this Monday for a withdrawal of the immigration bill and a departure of Gérald Darmanin, the day after the adoption of a motion to reject the text.

“The government did not have a majority in the National Assembly to pass this bill,” said the Bouches-du-Rhône deputy on RTL, calling on the executive to “take it into account”. Just like Gérald Darmanin, who should “leave with his text under his arm”, according to him.

The day before, the minister presented his resignation to Emmanuel Macron who refused it. This constitutes a “democratic problem”, believes Manuel Bompard. “We are finally told everything will continue as before as if nothing had happened,” he laments. And to denounce a president “addicted to authoritarianism”.

Gérald Darmanin “determined” and “on task”, according to those around him

Touched but not sunk. This is the demonstration that Gérald Darmanin is trying to make, the day after the adoption of the motion to reject his immigration bill.

Expected at the Maisons-Alfort police station in a few minutes, the Minister of the Interior is “determined” and “on task”, according to his entourage.

Darmanin and Borne tasked by Macron to “make proposals to move forward” on the immigration bill

The Élysée indicated this Monday evening that Emmanuel Macron asked Élisabeth Borne and Gérald Darmanin to make “proposals” to “move forward” and “remove this blockage” on the immigration bill, after the vote on the motion. of rejection.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon pleads for “a return to the polls” after the vote on the motion to reject

Jean-Luc Mélenchon was quick to draw conclusions from the adoption of the motion to reject the immigration bill.

After this major setback for Gérald Darmanin and the presidential camp, the rebellious leader called for “a resignation of the government” and a “return to the polls” in a blog post.

Our article

Immigration law: despite the rejection of the text, the Macronists want the legislative process to continue

“For the future, the legislative process must continue as quickly as possible.”

In a joint statement, the three components of the majority called, this Monday evening, to “move forward” and not abandon the immigration bill, while castigating the “irresponsible” attitude of the oppositions.

Our article

“Must not be in denial”: after the vote on the motion to reject, a Renaissance MP admits “having been beaten”

An observation that is intended to be lucid. “We were beaten very clearly,” admitted Renaissance MP Charles Sitzenstuhl this Monday on LCP after the adoption of the motion to reject the immigration bill.

The parliamentarian called on his colleagues not to “be in denial” in the face of this “difficult moment”. He criticized the opposition, accused of having formed an “unlikely alliance”.

Our article

Crime of illegal residence, AME, residence permit… The “unraveling” of the law commission denounced by LR

The Republicans have raised their voice in recent days on the immigration bill, before the majority of its deputies voted for the motion to reject it. Several of them expressed their dissatisfaction after provisions voted on and adopted by the Senate, the majority of which is on the right, were deleted or modified during the passage of the text in the law committee at the National Assembly.

The account was no longer there for many LR elected officials, whether due to the reestablishment of State medical aid for undocumented immigrants or the removal of the offense of illegal residence. Above all, the “compromise” found in the article initially aimed at creating a residence permit for professions in shortage, provoked the ire of the right. In the Senate, she created a new article to regularize immigrants in an “exceptional manner”, leaving this decision in the hands of the prefect.

In committee, the deputies regulated the power of the latter, who could oppose the issuance of the title in the event of a threat to public order, non-respect of the values ​​of the Republic or polygamy.

5 Marconist deputies were missing during the vote on the motion to reject

In the Macronist camp, 5 absences of Renaissance deputies were all the more noticed as 5 votes separate the votes for and against the motion of rejection.

We tell you more about these elected officials in our article

Oppositions united to defeat the government

The motion to reject was the subject of 270 votes for and 265 against. This dramatic turn of events was made possible by a joint vote of the four left-wing groups, the National Rally and some of the Republican deputies.

Our article

Two scenarios for the government after the adoption of the motion to reject its immigration bill

The government now has two options to continue to bring its text to life after the adoption of a motion to reject: convene a joint committee so that 7 senators and 7 deputies seek an agreement or send the text for second reading to the Senate.

The third scenario, which is to remove the text, was ruled out this Monday evening by Gérald Darmanin on TF1.

Our article

What next for the immigration bill after the adoption of a motion to reject?

Hello everyone, welcome to this political live dedicated to the immigration bill, which was the subject of a rejection motion adopted by the oppositions the day before. As a result, examination of the text was interrupted, which constitutes a stinging defeat for Gérald Darmanin. The Minister of the Interior then presented his resignation to Emmanuel Macron, who refused.

Follow all the political reactions in our live stream.

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