Macron on the violence in Mayotte, paralyzed Ukraine and China in the face of Covid-19

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

Emmanuel Macron wants to calm the violence in Mayotte. “Faced with this phenomenon, we will first have a security response as quickly as possible, then cooperation but with a lot of force (with the Comoros), and thirdly we must continue the in-depth work of reforms on Mayotte, because we can clearly see that today our situation, our rules, must be adapted to the reality on the ground”, explained the president, challenged by elected officials from the archipelago during his visit to the Mayors’ Salon at the Parc des Expositions of the Porte de Versailles, in Paris. The Head of State also recalled the government’s decision to deploy the Raid, the elite police intervention unit, to Mayotte. This French department in the Indian Ocean, which has been the scene for several days of violence between young people from rival neighborhoods provoked by the murder of one of them, is counting on the arrival of police reinforcements to try to stem the phenomenon.

As winter approaches, the situation is particularly difficult for civilians in Ukraine. Russian strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure on Wednesday led to massive power and water cuts, particularly in the capital kyiv. In front of the UN Security Council via a video link during an emergency meeting that he himself had called for, Volodymyr Zelensky described this strategy of Moscow as a “crime against humanity”. Nine months after the Russian invasion of his country, the Head of State wanted to denounce the “formula of terror” imposed by the armed forces of Moscow.

China is not done with health restrictions. The daily number of Covid-19 cases has hit a new record, authorities said Thursday as they work to stem the spread of the virus through strict lockdowns, mass testing and travel restrictions. The country listed 31,444 cases on Wednesday, of which 27,517 are asymptomatic. The new figures are higher than the 29,317 infections recorded in mid-April, when Shanghai was under lockdown. The capital
Beijing has experienced an epidemic outbreak in recent days with nearly 1,500 new positive cases on Wednesday. A level never reached in the city since the start of the pandemic, but which remains very low according to international criteria. In the center of the country, the situation is also complicated for the inhabitants. The authorities have just ordered the confinement of six million people in Zhengzhou, a city which is home to a huge iPhone factory.

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