Macron looks at the Olympics, firefighters still on alert in Landiras and Mayer still champion

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

Two years before the 2024 Olympics, Emmanuel Macron takes stock

Two years before the 2024 Olympics, French President Emmanuel Macron is organizing a “site meeting” on Monday, according to the Elysée, with a dozen ministers to “take stock” of this event, the security and budgetary challenges of which are worrying.

We had to score. Almost two years to the day before the deadline (July 26-August 11, 2024), the President of the Republic wants to show that the Olympic Games are a priority for this start of the five-year term and that nothing should be left to chance.

The fire in Landiras still not fixed, despite an improvement in the situation

Will the firefighters overcome the flames in Landiras, in the south of the Gironde, which have already consumed 13,800 hectares? If the situation continues to improve on the front of the two major forest fires that have hit the department for almost two weeks, this fire was still not fixed on Sunday, said the prefecture.

“Temperatures above 35°C (Sunday) caused the appearance of fumaroles and fire outbreaks in the burnt area which were treated by the 1,200 firefighters and air resources still mobilized on the ground”, i.e. two Canadairs and two forest fire attack helicopters, explained the prefecture in a press release. “These phenomena should decrease (this Monday) with the announced drop in temperatures,” she added.

Kevin Mayer crowned decathlon world champion for the second time

Bis repeat! Two years from the Paris Games and a year after the Olympic silver, Kevin Mayer returned to world gold in the decathlon, five years after his first coronation and despite a truncated preparation, in Eugene (Oregon) on Sunday.

Mayer thus saves the France team from an embarrassing zero point, which it has not known on the international scene since the 2000 Olympics, when the Olympic high mass is looming on its land.

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