Macron leans for a unique outfit at school, trial of Rédoine Faïd and heat wave

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

Emmanuel Macron made his return to young people on Monday evening. The Head of State took advantage of an interview on the YouTube channel “HugoDécrypte” to give his opinion on how to dress at school. And if he defended the prohibition of the abaya, he on the other hand said he was in favor of “experiments” and an “evaluation” of the wearing of the uniform. However, the president for his part decided rather for a “single outfit” (jeans, t-shirt and jacket), “much more acceptable for teenagers”.

Rédoine Faïd has an appointment with the justice system once again. The 51-year-old multi-repeat robber appears on Tuesday before the assizes for his escape in 2018, his second in five years. His trial will begin in the morning at the historic courthouse in Paris, on the Ile de la Cité, under high security. He is on trial there until October 20, in particular for “repeated escape in an organized gang” and “hijacking of an aircraft”, with 11 other people suspected of having helped him to prepare or carry out this escape from Réau prison, or to have assisted him during the three months on the run that followed. Before this trial, our journalist Caroline Politi returns for you to her spectacular escape and her very ordinary run.

A very large part of France will still be very hot this Tuesday. Météo-France has indeed issued a yellow alert for a heat wave in 43 departments. In addition, while the summer continues very warmly on our thermometers, the meteorological summer of scientists – which is confined to June, July and August – delivers its assessment. With the exceptional heat wave that ended it and with an average temperature of 21.8°C 1.4°C higher than normal, it ranks according to Météo-France as the fourth hottest summer ever recorded in France. Only the summers of 2003 (+2.7°C), 2022 (+2.3°C), and 2018 (+1.5°C) exceed it.

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