Macron in Dunkirk, humanitarian agreement in Sudan and Aya Nakamura rewarded with the Flames

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

Emmanuel Macron traveling to Dunkirk this Friday

On Friday, the Head of State will be traveling in Dunkirk. Not to support the employees of the Valdunes factory, threatened with closure, as the RN and LFI did this week, but to talk about reindustrialization and investments. It is accompanied by five ministers that Emmanuel Macron will spend part of the afternoon in Dunkirk: Bruno le Maire, Minister of the Economy, Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister of Energy Transition, Roland Lescure, Minister for Industry and Olivier Becht, Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade. Beautiful people to present the “strategy to accelerate our reindustrialization upstream of the Choose France summit”, advances the Elysée.

An agreement to respect humanitarian rules but no truce in Sudan

Warring parties in Sudan signed an agreement overnight in Saudi Arabia Thursday to Friday to clear corridors to allow trapped civilians to exit combat zones while letting in humanitarian aid. This declaration of principles is contained in a four-page document, a copy of which AFP was able to consult, which contains no mention of a truce or a ceasefire, after nearly a month of fighting which left more than 750 dead, 5,000 injured and more than 900,000 displaced and refugees. After six days of negotiations, emissaries from General Abdel Fattah al-Burhane’s army and paramilitaries from General Mohamed Hamdane Daglo’s Rapid Support Forces (RSF) signed this “Jeddah declaration for the protection of civilians in Sudan”.

Aya Nakamura and Gazo sacred to the Flames, the Rap Victories

Finally ! Aya Nakamura, snubbed for the major trophies at the Victoires de la Musique, was crowned artist of the year during the first Flames ceremony, dedicated to rap and its currents, on the night of Thursday to Friday at the Châtelet theater, in Paris. Among the other big winners, Gazo, representative of the drill, a dark current of rap from Chicago, was crowned male artist of the year and won Spotify album of the year, the music platform being a partner in the ceremony. . Dinos, with Winter in Paris, an album tinged with melancholy, receives the prize for rap album of the year. “As we are in front of the whole (music) industry, I want to say that we have to be more united”, dropped the microphone who had become the first rapper to sing at the Césars, the high mass French cinema at the start of the year.

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