Macron at Scholz in Berlin: inaugural visit with a signal effect

Status: 05/10/2022 02:07 am

French President Macron came to Berlin for his inaugural visit as a sign of friendship. There he also spoke with Chancellor Scholz about a new European accession perspective for Ukraine.

By Nina Amin, ARD capital studio

In bright sunshine and with the French national anthem, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz received the French President in the Chancellery. The SPD politician was visibly satisfied: “Dear Emanuel, it’s nice to be able to welcome you back here in Berlin.”

It is Emmanuel Macron’s first visit abroad since his re-election. Scholz called it “an honor” that the choice fell on Berlin. The Franco-German friendship is more important than ever as a driving force.

Our countries can only successfully master the great challenges of this time if we act together – within the framework of a strong and sovereign Europe.

Macron and Scholz discuss possible EU accession for Ukraine at meetings in Berlin

Julie Kurz, ARD Berlin, daily topics 10 p.m., May 9, 2022

Scholz and Macron agree on Putin’s speech

The biggest challenge at the moment is the war in Ukraine. Another topic during Macron’s visit to Berlin was the speech by Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin at the Moscow military parade on May 9th. Scholz and Macron agreed that Putin did not advance the verbal escalation in his speech. But is that enough?

“No,” said the French President. “What we want to achieve is a ceasefire. And as soon as possible.”

Scholz and Macron both want a ceasefire

On this point there is agreement between Germany and France. Armistice and negotiations between Ukraine and Russia – for Macron and Scholz the only way to achieve peace. Scholz emphasized:

We agree that Ukraine belongs to the European family. We are working on paving the way to our common Europe. The processes are now defined. The EU is processing the proposed applications and the Commission will soon present its assessments.

The French President, on the other hand, dampened expectations of rapid EU accession. “We all know that with the current criteria and standards for EU accession, it may take several years or decades before Ukraine can join,” Macron said.

This perspective is discouraging. Instead, the French President proposes creating a European political community for Ukraine and other candidate countries. This enables a new space for political cooperation, cooperation and security. Chancellor Scholz called Macrons very interesting with a view to Ukraine. But:

It’s clear that this shouldn’t and won’t stop us from advancing what we started: namely advancing the recording processes that we’ve been working on for so long. This is especially true for the Western Balkans.”

Future EU accessions and the future of Ukraine – these were certainly the main topics of Macron and Scholz at the subsequent dinner and joint trip to the Brandenburg Gate.

Stefan Stuchlik, ARD Berlin, on the outcome of the meeting between Macron and Scholz

daily topics 10:00 p.m., 9.5.2022

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