Lyon once again becomes the most attractive metropolis in France, ahead of Rennes and Nantes, according to a survey

Is Lyon the big French city that has best resisted the negative effects of Covid-19? This is in any case one of the reasons for its return to the fore, in the ranking of a survey published Monday by the firm.
HelloWork, “France’s leading digital player in employment, recruitment and training”. This is dedicated to the 21 most attractive cities in France, with 2,383 working people from these cities questioned on their feelings about their place of residence.

Several indicators allow Lyon, 4th in 2020, to recover the top of the ranking, ahead of Rennes (leader of the previous edition, 2nd in 2021), Nantes (3rd), Toulouse (4th) and Metz (5th), while Paris only ranks 18th. The city between Saône and Rhône gets first place for the quality of its infrastructure and its beauty, but also second for the interesting career development opportunities it offers.

Soft mobility also rewarded

The capital of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region is also third for its economic dynamism and its job market, and in fourth position in this study for its facilities linked to soft mobility.

The only criterion that serves Lyon: the cost of living, with a 17th place at stake. In the end, the desire to change place of residence, a very strong phenomenon observed in France since the appearance of Covid-19, is less strong in Lyon than in other large cities, as revealed by HelloWork, namely 52 %, compared to 72% in Paris and 56% in Nice for example.

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