Luxembourg will return to the competition next year

From our special correspondent in Liverpool (UK)

It has long been an Arlesian but, this Friday, Luxembourg’s return to Eurovision was made official. The Grand Duchy, which has not participated in the musical competition since 1993, will be there for the 2024 edition. The information was provided by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) in a press release.

RTL Luxembourg will broadcast the event to our neighbours. The methods for selecting the artist and the procedure for applications should be specified in July.

A country with five victories

Luxembourg, which is one of the founding countries of the Eurovision Song Contest, has five victories to its name – as many as France.

His return to competition was pushed at the end of last year by Xavier Bettel, the Grand Duchy’s Prime Minister and Media Minister, who launched a discussion on this point in the Government Council. Luxembourg believes that reappearing on the competition scene would have a positive impact that would allow a return on investment.

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