Lützerath: Police officers get stuck in the mud and fall down one after the other

Watch the video: Slapstick scenes in Lützerath – police officers get stuck in the mud and fall down one after the other.

During the climate protests in Lützerath and the heated atmosphere between demonstrators and the police, there were strange scenes on Saturday. Persistent precipitation had left lasting marks.
Water and earth make mud. The police forces had to experience this first hand. To amuse not only the climate activists. There were slapstick-like scenes on the part of the police.
Because the boots of the police uniforms didn’t seem to be up to the mud, they seemed to be sucking themselves down.
Rows of policemen fell over their own feet. Much to the amusement of the demonstrators – but even some officials couldn’t help but smile at the picture they gave.
For minutes, the emergency services fell on top of each other, rolled in the mud.
The weather seemed to be on the side of the climate activists here. Apparently they had fewer problems with the soil conditions.

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