Lula elected president with a short head

It’s a comeback on a particularly tight result. Lula was elected president of Brazil on Sunday. The result is much narrower than predicted by the polls, which had already underestimated Jair Bolsonaro’s score before the first round.

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva obtained 50.84% ​​of the votes, against 49.16% for the outgoing president, with the results of 99% of the polling stations. This is the lowest margin between two presidential finalists since the return to democracy after the military dictatorship (1964-1985).

Already two terms at the head of the country

The 77-year-old former steelworker with a destiny worthy of a Hollywood film, who experienced hunger in his native Pernambuco (north-east), will return to the top of the state on January 1. “It’s the most important day of my life,” he said in the morning when voting.

Lula had achieved record popularity after his first two terms (2003-2010), but then fell from grace, going through prison, after corruption convictions finally overturned for formal defects. After this narrow victory, he will have to deal with a Parliament that clearly leans to the right and will have to forge alliances to govern.

Jair Bolsonaro is the first president running for a second term not to be re-elected since 1985. His reaction is eagerly awaited: after having launched relentless attacks against the “fraudulent” system of electronic ballot boxes, he said on Friday: “the one who has the most votes wins. This is democracy”.

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