Lula congratulated by Macron and Putin for his victory over Bolsonaro

In a message posted on Twitter in Portuguese and French, the President of the Republic hailed the victory of Lula, elected this Sunday as President of Brazil against Jair Bolsonaro.

French President Emmanuel Macron congratulated Lula on Sunday evening, whose election “opens a new page in the history of Brazil”. “Together, we will join forces to meet the many common challenges and renew the bond of friendship between our two countries,” wrote the head of state in a message on Twitter, a few minutes after the announcement of the results of the Brazilian presidential election. The president also stressed that this result opened “a new page in the history of Brazil”.

Several other heads of state congratulated Lula. “I extend my congratulations to Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on his election as President of Brazil following free, fair and credible elections,” US President Joe Biden said in a statement. He said he “looks forward to working” with him “to continue the cooperation between our two countries.

“Brazil and the planet need a living Amazon”

Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister, also hailed the victory of the figure of the American left.

“Brazilians have made their decision. I look forward to working with Lula to strengthen the partnership between our countries, to deliver results for Canadians and Brazilians, and to advance our shared priorities, such as environmental protection,” said tweeted Justin Trudeau.

“The election results confirmed your great political authority,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a telegram to Lula. “I hope that by making joint efforts, we will ensure the further development of constructive Russian-Brazilian cooperation in all areas,” he added.

The new British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, expressed his “eagerness” to work with the Brazilian president on Monday. “Congratulations to @LulaOficial on his election victory in Brazil. I look forward to working together on issues that matter to the UK and Brazil, from growing the global economy to protecting the natural resources of the planet and the promotion of democratic values,” tweeted the British Conservative leader.

“Long live the peoples determined to be free, sovereign and independent! Today in Brazil democracy has triumphed, congratulations Lula, I kiss you hard!”, For his part, rejoiced President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela.

In his first speech after his election, Lula notably affirmed that he was going to fight against deforestation in the Amazon. “Brazil and the planet need a living Amazon,” said the icon of the left in his victory speech.

Defeated far-right President Jair Bolsonaro has drawn international criticism for record deforestation of the world’s largest rainforest under his tenure.

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