Lukashenko sends refugees: mass rush to Poland border – politics abroad

Dramatic pictures of the border between Belarus and Poland!

Minsk dictator Aleksander Lukashenko sends more than a thousand refugees to the border. Now the Polish government fears a mass breakthrough. There is to be a crisis meeting in Warsaw at noon.

Videos from Belarus show how large groups pull over the motorway near Brest in the west of the country. On others, hundreds wander through the forests of the Bialowieza National Park north of Brest.

There are similar reports from the north of the country.

Hundreds of migrants are currently walking towards the Polish border on a motorway in BelarusPhoto: @ nexta_tv / Twitter

Poland calls a border alert

Poland issued a border alarm! The government’s crisis team meets at 1pm in Warsaw. Topic: an expected mass breakthrough by migrants at the border! The question: how will Poland’s border guards react to this?

In fact, it is an attack on the border by the neighboring state of Belarus. Lukashenko has been flown in refugees from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Africa and Asia for months. Objective: Send you as illegals across the border to the west in order to destabilize Lithuania, Poland and Germany in particular.

Lukashenko announced this after the EU closed the airspace over Belarus to aircraft that want to land in Europe.

Lukashenko is currently flying in targeted migrants from Damascus and Istanbul. Most of them now via Moscow – with active help and cover from Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin.

Now, according to BILD information from Minsk, the Lukashenko authorities have made the capital “migrant-free”: everyone who was flown to Minks via the smugglers’ networks should now cross the border with Poland in one fell swoop.

Pictures are reminiscent of 2015

The pictures are reminiscent of the pictures from September 3rd and 4th, 2015 in Hungary and Austria. At that time, thousands of refugees who were stuck in Budapest were on their way to Austria.

At that time, Germany and Austria decided to open the borders to migrants – the beginning of the refugee crisis.

Today Poland has once again tightened the security measures on the border with Belarus. The state of emergency for the border region was last extended on October 1 – initially for 60 days.

What do Poland’s border guards do in the face of the crowd and one attempt – or several attempts – to break through the border?

The spokeswoman for the Polish border guards, Ewelina Szczepanska, said on Monday morning that the presence of border guards, police and military at the border had been increased.

A spokesman for the Polish security authorities, Stanislaw Zaryn, posted a video on Twitter showing hundreds of people walking down a street. Very worrying information from the border, ” added Zaryn.

Poland has so far fought off most attempts by migrants to cross the border, and has also pushed injured people directly back to Belarus.

Warsaw and the EU assume that this is an organized action by the Belarusian government, which wants to destabilize the EU in retaliation for the western sanctions.

In Germany – especially in Brandenburg – up to 1000 migrants arrive daily via Poland.

The Polish border guards reported hostile behavior and threats by Belarusian forces, which were directed across the border against Polish forces.

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