Lufthansa insiders about the failure – and how long passengers now have to wait

From the morning nothing worked. A fiber optic cable was damaged by an excavator accident on a Deutsche Bahn construction site on Wednesday. And as a result, Lufthansa’s air traffic was paralyzed throughout Germany. In conversation with the star reports a high-ranking manager of the group: The problem could have been avoided. And could keep the company busy for a while.

You are part of the crisis team and have direct insight into the course of the outage. When did Lufthansa know: We have a problem?

From the beginning. The railway had drawn our attention to the failure. Telekom promised to be able to fix the problem by noon. That’s why they initially waited with the explanation that it could have been dismissed as a minor technical glitch. Only when the attempt was unsuccessful was the reason disclosed.

The fact that the cable was damaged yesterday, as some media reports, is not entirely correct. Although there had already been a first small outage yesterday evening, this was quickly remedied. Today the cable was then literally chopped up.

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