LR Philippe Juvin candidate for the primary of the right

And one more candidate for the Elysee chair. The doctor and LR mayor of La Garenne-Colombes Philippe Juvin announced his candidacy for the future primary on the right to be appointed as the representative of his camp in the 2022 presidential election.

“In five years, Emmanuel Macron has pitted the French against each other. Communication has replaced the search for solutions. (…) Common sense solutions exist. I will defend them in a primary of the right and the center ”, explains the former MEP in an interview published Monday evening on the website of Figaro.

A media presence with the coronavirus

Aged 57, the emergency manager of the Pompidou hospital in Paris has acquired a certain media reputation thanks to his numerous interventions to comment on the Covid-19 epidemic. Presenting himself as the “candidate for public services”, Philippe Juvin proposes to initiate three projects if he is elected: “a massive tax cut, a plan for equality of the territories – for 1 euro paid to the cities, it is necessary 1 euro for the countryside – and the transfer of new powers to local communities, particularly in matters of health and safety ”.

In his interview, the LR mayor of La Garenne-Colombes however takes care not to offend the two heavyweights on the right who have already declared their desire to access the Elysée: the boss of Hauts-de- France Xavier Bertrand and his counterpart in Ile-de-France Valérie Pécresse (Free!) Who formalized his candidacy on July 22. He thus pays tribute to the first, former Minister of Health, and salutes the work of the second when she was at the head of Higher Education under the Sarkozy five-year term. However, he claims to be himself, “elected and doctor, therefore connected to reality”.

The September 25 deadline

With Bruno Retailleau, Michel Barnier, Laurent Wauquiez and Valérie Pécresse, Philippe Juvin was one of the five potential right-wing candidates for the presidential election to meet on July 20 in Paris to agree to consider a “single candidacy” , while Xavier Bertrand, absent, refuses at this stage to participate in a primary. The party sets September 25 as the deadline for the putative candidates to agree.

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