Lower blood pressure: This food helps against high blood pressure

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  • Nutritional study proven: Yogurt can lower high blood pressure
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Yogurt is one of the probiotic foods that is considered particularly healthy and is therefore often recommended by doctors. But yogurt and the lactic acid bacteria it contains are not only good for the intestines, but also for our heart. That has a recent study a research team from University of South Australia and the University of Maine result. The investigation showed how positive the consumption of the dairy product is Blood pressure and the risk factors for the cardiovascular system affects.

Lower blood pressure with yoghurt: This is how effective the dairy product is for high blood pressure

Hypertension, better known in the jargon as High blood pressure, is a disease that affects more than a billion people worldwide. This high blood pressure can turn your risk for more serious ones Cardiovascular diseases such as stroke or heart attack. In their study, the researchers come to the conclusion that the consumption of fermented milk products such as yogurt, cheese or quark can lead to an improvement in the symptoms of high blood pressure. That’s because dairy products Micronutrients such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, which are involved in regulating blood pressure in the human body.

However, yogurt products are particularly effective because these are in addition to micronutrients bacteria contain. To be more precise: “Bacteria that promote the release of proteins that lower blood pressure,” reports the study director Alexandra Wade in a Press release. “The study showed that even small amounts of yogurt lowered blood pressure in people with high blood pressure, “said Wade.

The study conducted a cross-sectional analysis of a total of 915 people to examine the effects of yogurt consumption on blood pressure. The participants had to indicate how often they usually eat yoghurt. Various types of blood pressure were also recorded, as well as the body mass index, cholesterol, blood sugar and other metabolic values. The researchers classified high blood pressure as a clinical picture from a blood pressure of 140 to 90 or higher. A normal blood pressure value is below 120 to 80.

Daily consumption of yoghurt lowers blood pressure

the daily consumption of yogurt led to this investigation even clearer results. The blood pressure values ​​of subjects with high blood pressure decreased by up to seven percentage points. So the product has been proven to help Lower blood pressure. According to the research team, the data analysis shows a “significant association” between the consumption of yoghurt and decreased high blood pressure – but only for the participants who also have high blood pressure.

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In test subjects whose blood pressure was already in the normal range, the value has of course not got any lower. Of the more than 900 participants, 564 people had high blood pressure.

The research team around Wade now wants to carry out further studies. The aim is to examine the potential benefits of yogurt in more detail, especially for those at risk.

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