Low water: shipping on the Weser near Höxter stopped

Status: 08/11/2022 12:54 p.m

Due to low water, passenger shipping on the Weser near Höxter and Beverungen has now been suspended and the season ended early. The reason is the low level of the Weser.

Because the Ederstausee in northern Hesse has been feeding significantly less water into the Weser since Wednesday, the water level is now too low for the Weser fleet. This development was announced more than a week ago because of the persistent drought and the low water level at the Edertalsperre.

Since Wednesday, only six cubic meters of water per second have flowed from the Ederstausee into the Weser, according to the Waterways and Shipping Office. Before that it was 30 cubic meters. The result: the level of the Upper Weser is falling rapidly by an estimated 40 to 50 centimeters these days.

Large passenger ships and smaller yachts are particularly affected. Many leisure captains have reacted and have already pulled their boats out of the water.

Mayor fears impact on tourism

“Of course, this is extremely painful for us as the city of Höxter, as a tourist location. The Weser steamship, which takes place on the Upper Weser, is a significant economic and tourism factor,” says Daniel Hartmann, Mayor of Höxter, in an interview with WDR.

“We have a lot of tourists in the city,” says Hartmann, “bus groups and individual travelers who are of course happy to take advantage of the offer and may have already booked, who would like to visit the Chorvey World Heritage Site or other tourist attractions in the area .”

Shuttle ferry “Flotte Holli” also endangered

Particularly tricky: The shuttle ferry “Flotte Holli” is currently used in Höxter as a replacement for the city’s closed Weser bridge. Every day she drives hundreds of people from bank to bank who would otherwise have to make a long detour. This ferry may also have to stop operating because of the low water.

According to the forecast by the Waterways and Shipping Office, the Weser gauges around Petershagen, Porta Westfalica and Vlotho will also be severely affected by the lack of inflow from the Ederstausee. The first rains will not be in until Monday East Westphalia-lip in sight.

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