Louisa Dellert and Markus Ehrlich launch new podcast “Climate Crime”

“important today”
Louisa Dellert and Markus Ehrlich want to put the climate back on the agenda with the “Climate Crime” podcast

Louisa Dellert and Markus Ehrlich

© Laura Hoffmann

With their new podcast, founder Louisa Dellert and journalist Markus Ehrlich want to raise awareness of climate protection again. This is exactly what they miss in the federal government: “The attitude bothers me: Now many problems are acute, so we’re putting climate protection on the back burner again.”

After two and a half years of the corona pandemic, the war in Ukraine and currently also inflation, many people just don’t have a head for the climate crisis. The majority of scientists agree: the climate crisis will remain the most pressing issue in the coming years, no matter what other problems there are. The fact that the federal government doesn’t seem to be getting it at the moment annoys the journalist Markus Ehrlich: “What bothers me is the attitude: Well, there are a lot of acute problems right now, so we’re putting climate protection on the back burner again.” In the 306th episode of “Today Important” he criticized: “The new government came into office and said: The climate crisis is the biggest crisis of our time and we have to do something about it. […] It’s difficult, but that’s what they were elected for.”

Louisa Dellert & Markus Ehrlich: “The climate crisis will cost us the most”

In order to put the climate crisis back on the agenda of the general public, founders Louisa Dellert and Markus Ehrlich have started a podcast. In “Climate Crime” the two combine what is probably the most popular podcast genre “True Crime” with the climate catastrophe. It’s about topics like the puppy trade, child slavery, or even fast fashion. So they hope that more people will be interested in the effects of the climate crisis again, says Louisa Dellert: “It’s about the listeners understanding: It could have been me, who would have had to work in the factory as a child.”

Stern youth study: Young people are hardly interested in the climate

After the success of Friday’s for Future, one might instinctively think that young people in particular care about the climate. But the new star youth study shows something else. There, the 15 to 19-year-olds were asked about the topics that are important to them, and the climate crisis was particularly important for just 11 percent. The numbers seem alarming, but Louisa Dellert and Markus Ehrlich show understanding for the crisis-ridden young generation.

When it comes to “important today”, Ehrlich says: “We have temperatures that shouldn’t actually be there in June, forest fires and the flood disaster in the Ahr Valley last year. But that hasn’t happened that often, the really blatant disasters still happen further away.” Nevertheless, awareness of the climate must be raised again, because: “In the end, the climate crisis will cost us the most, it will be really expensive. And every day that we do nothing, the bill will increase in the end.”

Michael Abdollahi

© TVNOW / Andreas Friese

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