Louis Fouché, doctor and anti-vaccine figure, sentenced to three months’ ban on practicing

  • Louis Fouché, an anesthetist-resuscitator from Marseille, was sentenced to a three-month ban on practicing medicine by the Regional Order of Physicians of PACA-Corsica.
  • The doctor was opposed to certain health measures against Covid-19, such as vaccination with messenger RNA vaccines.
  • Louis Fouché announced his intention to appeal.

Three months banned from practicing medicine. This is the sentence pronounced on November 13 by the Regional Order of Physicians of PACA-Corsica against Louis Fouchehas learned 20 minutes. This doctor Marseille anesthesiologist-resuscitator spoke out during the Covid-19 crisis against the widespread wearing of masks and messenger RNA vaccines. He also defended the use of hydroxychloroquine to fight against Covid-19.

This conviction comes after a complaint filed by the National Order of Physicians. The National Order, which is a regulatory body for the profession, criticized the Marseille doctor for “having made comments in the press that contradicted the health recommendations prescribed to fight the Covid-19 pandemic”.

Other grievances expressed by his colleagues: having “promoted unproven treatments to fight this virus” and having “made accusations against other doctors”. Finally, the Order accuses him of having abstained “from opposing the use of his interview in the video Hold Up “. This film, which was released in November 2020, intended to denounce the “lies” around Covid-19, but contained erroneous claims.

A lack of caution and restraint in certain comments, according to the Order

The regional Order dismissed part of the grievances expressed by the National Order in its complaint. “It does not appear from any of the documents in the file that Dr. F. would not have provided conscientious, dedicated care based on data acquired from science to his patients,” motivates the Regional Order. On the other hand, this body considered that the participation of Louis Fouché in Hold Up Thus that some of his comments criticizing doctors for vaccinating with messenger RNA vaccines against Covid-19 were contrary to compliance with the Public Health Code.

The Regional Order also considers that Louis Fouché lacked caution and restraint with certain comments: “The comments of Dr. F., noted in several videos of interviews given to the media or social networks, according to which, in particular, the action by the authorities would be part of a “governmental narrative of fear” and a “technosanitary tyranny”, the figures relating to excess mortality due to Covid-19 would be “false”, […] or even his commitment to the “RéinfoCovid” collective to emerge from the “current totalitarian surge”, are marked at the very least by a lack of restraint and prudence such as to make him look as having then deviated from his obligation to put itself at the service of the community as part of the health action then pursued by the public authorities to fight the epidemic. »

Since October 2021, at his request, Louis Fouché no longer works at the Conception hospital, in Marseille, and is no longer an employee of the AP-HM, the structure which governs Marseille public hospitals. According to our information, the doctor currently works as a contract worker.

Louis Fouché announced on November 15 on Sud Radio his intention to appeal. He denounces unfounded grievances and a complaint “initiated in retaliation for his freedom of expression”.

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