Lose weight: this is how the belly disappears without any diet

“She’s running. He’s running”
How to get rid of belly fat – without any diet

You can lose weight without dieting

© Sasithorn / Adobe Stock

Losing weight is at the top of good intentions. Good thing, especially the belly fat is dangerous. Bad diet is mainly to blame. We explain how you can eat healthier – and lose weight without compulsion.

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You are probably reading this text because you have decided to shed a few pounds. Or because you want to know how to keep your ideal weight (congratulations). Most likely, you now expect it to be about counting calories, doing without, and being weaker than you might think. That’s how we learned it – and we journalists have written it that way for many decades. But: Science is making progress. New and trend-setting findings about healthy eating throw old knowledge overboard (this is how science works – and this is how progress works).

That’s why we’re not counting calories in this little text about the best way to achieve a healthy weight. There are no diet tips like “In 10 days to the ideal figure”, “Bikini slim in record time” or “Tummy off with cabbage”. Instead of counting the energy units of potatoes, broccoli and bread and butter, we try to explain how to lose weight in a more relaxed way – without any diet.

We have dedicated an entire episode of the “She’s Running. He’s Running” podcast to this topic. Because you can’t say it enough: diets don’t work. According to a survey by the Federation of German Pharmacists’ Associations in 2020, 60 percent of all Germans tried at least one. The methods are extensive: FdH, less bread, no carbohydrates, protein diet, ketogenic diet, paleo and, and, and. In essence, all of these weight loss approaches have one thing in common: you go hungry in one way or another.

Lose weight by changing your diet instead of diet

That goes grenade wrong. According to estimates, 95 percent of those who reduce their weight in this way have lost the pounds and often a few more than before after five years at the latest. That is a disastrous result.

But clearly laid out in our nature. Because diets are based purely on discipline and common sense. Body and mind rebel against this at some point. And take revenge mercilessly. Nobody challenges the body with impunity. Especially not with hunger, the most powerful impulse that evolution has given along with thirst. During a diet, when energy is scarce, the organism shuts down its metabolism. If you are back to normal at some point, he replies with more hunger, more fat and more waist circumference. The dreaded yo-yo effect strikes.

How to do it better? Why is belly fat so particularly dangerous and unhealthy? And how little you have to change your diet in order to lose weight permanently – we answer all these questions in the new episode of our podcast “She’s running. He’s running”.

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