Long Covid: Researchers identify two important biomarkers in the blood

Why do some people develop long-term effects, called long covid, after a corona infection? There is still no secure answer to this question. A new study is now focusing on two biomarkers in the blood that are related, among other things, to the so-called brain fog.

The pandemic was officially over on May 5: The World Health Organization declared the global health emergency caused by the new corona virus to be over. But there are many people who still have more than just memories of Sars-CoV-2 and Covid-19. In some cases, they continue to suffer months after infection from symptoms that can be traced back to an infection with the virus. A study recently confirmed that such symptoms can still exist two years later – that’s how long the observation period lasted. If you then look at the catalog of the most frequently mentioned symptoms, there are a striking number of “neuropsychiatric” findings in the top group: impairments in cognitive performance, for example, and also the notorious “brain fog”, i.e. the impression that the brain is numbing fog wafts through.

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