Lone greatness: Clemens J. Setz receives the Georg Büchner Prize. – Culture


Marie Schmidt

The jury of the German Academy for Language and Poetry writes that Clemens J. Setz also received the Georg Büchner Prize for his “radical contemporaneity”. If you read it a lot, however, you tend to live under the impression that the present trudges behind Setz. For example, he once wrote in the SZ that as a child he invented an adjective for the feeling that comes over you when you overhear the scratching of pencils on paper or the radio recording of a man tuning his guitar: “His quiet breathing noises , the careful tapping of his fingers on the corpus. ” His word for the feeling was “noisy”, he describes it as “tingling in the brain” or: “The luck to be treated by the knowledgeable paws of a conspecific”


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