London police launch investigation into Downing Street parties

“Partygate” in the UK
London police are investigating lockdown parties at Downing Street

Under pressure: Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of Great Britain


The list of alleged lockdown parties at British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s official residence is getting longer and longer. This is now calling the police into action, who are investigating possible violations of the Corona rules.

London police are investigating several lockdown parties at Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s official residence and other government buildings. “I can confirm that the Metropolitan Police are investigating a number of events related to potential breaches of the Corona requirements (…)” Scotland Yard chief Cressida Dick told a London City Council committee on Tuesday.

For Boris Johnson, the situation is becoming increasingly precarious

Johnson has been under massive pressure for weeks over reports of allegedly illegal parties at his official residence. There are always new revelations about celebrations. He recently admitted to attending a garden party on May 20, 2020 in Parliament and apologized. At that time, even meetings of more than two people outdoors were forbidden because of the pandemic. It was only on Monday that the ITV broadcaster reported on a birthday party for Johnson with up to 30 participants.

For Johnson, the situation is becoming increasingly precarious. The results of an internal investigation by top official Sue Gray into the allegedly illegal parties are expected later this week. Johnson’s political fate could depend on the outcome of this investigation. Several members of his own faction want to overthrow him. The new revelations should be grist to their mills. Insiders now believe a vote of no confidence is inevitable.


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