London: Members of suspected castration group in court

People castrated and bodies mutilated: members of a “Nullo” group are on trial

The seat of the Criminal Court in central London, also known as the Old Bailey. Nine men have to answer here because they are said to have castrated people and mutilated bodies

© Nicholas.T.Ansell / Picture Alliance

They are said to have filmed mutilations and put them on the Internet: In London, nine members of an alleged castration group have to answer to a court. Their leader also had body parts amputated.

Several men who are said to have castrated people and mutilated bodies as members of a network have to answer before a London court. British police have accused them of posting videos of these “extreme body modifications” on a website where they could be viewed by paying users. In addition, the men are said to have offered body parts for sale on the Internet.

The main suspect in London is a 45-year-old Norwegian

According to the Metropolitan Police, a total of nine men were arrested in a March raid in London, Scotland and South Wales. The investigators assume 13 victims; most of them had their private parts removed.

The accused are said to be supporters of a group in which men become “zeroless” by having their genitals removed. “Nullo” is the abbreviation for the English word “nullification” and stands for the elimination of gender.

At the center of the preliminary hearing on Wednesday before the Old Bailey Criminal Court was a Norwegian who, according to the police, is said to be the head of the group. He was video-connected to the courtroom from custody and denied intentionally causing serious injury to three men between 2018 and 2019. However, the 45-year-old admitted taking offensive footage of a child and posting it on the internet.

His own body had also been mutilated. A 22-year-old suspect pleaded guilty to freezing the group leader’s leg during an extreme ritual. It then had to be amputated. Two other men admitted to removing the 45-year-old’s penis and nipples.

The leader’s suspected close associate, a 66-year-old man, also admitted involvement in the conspiracy and mutilated bodies. The other defendants made no statements.

Judge Mark Lucraft scheduled another hearing for June 30. The case is expected to be heard in London’s Old Bailey Criminal Court next March.


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