Lockdown parties: Downing Street apologizes to Queen

Status: 01/14/2022 2:04 p.m

Despite lockdowns, Downing Street was apparently celebrated and danced – while the Queen had to say goodbye to Prince Philip alone in the church the next day. The British government has now apologized.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s office has apologized to Buckingham Palace for two lockdown parties on the eve of Prince Philip’s funeral. “It is deeply unfortunate that this has taken place at a time of national mourning,” said Johnson’s spokesman.

Johnson had already emphasized this week that behavior at the seat of government must meet the highest standards. Downing Street also takes responsibility “for things we didn’t do right”. She officially apologized to the palace.

“Johnson hopes he’ll get away again”, Sven Lohmann, ARD London

Tagesschau 12:00 p.m., 14.1.2022

The Queen alone in the chapel

According to a report in the Daily Telegraph, around 30 employees drank and danced into the night on April 16, 2021 at the office. At that time, strict distance rules applied because of the corona pandemic. Johnson was reportedly at the Checkers Manor at the time of the parties.

It is particularly precarious that the nation was mourning Queen Elizabeth II at the time for her husband, who had died at the age of 99. The day after the Downing Street parties, the Queen bid farewell to her husband of 73 years at St George’s Chapel.

Because of the strict corona restrictions in force at the time, she had to sit all alone in a row of pews in the church. The photo of the lonely queen was one of the formative impressions in the pandemic.

After 73 years of marriage, Queen Elizabeth II had to say goodbye to her husband – because of the pandemic at a great distance from her family.

Image: AP

Last excitement about garden party

Johnson, who is already battered by a series of scandals, recently had to apologize in Parliament for attending a garden party that took place in May 2020 in the midst of the first corona lockdown.

The Prime Minister apologized for the impression that those who made the Corona rules were not sticking to them. He admitted that he was present in the garden for 25 minutes on May 20, 2020. According to his impression, it was a work meeting.

In retrospect, he was wrong about that, Johnson said. However, he called for the result of an ongoing internal investigation to be awaited before consequences are drawn.

Opposition demands Prime Minister’s resignation

The opposition is not satisfied with that. She demands Johnson’s resignation. “I have no words for the culture and behavior in No. 10,” said deputy leader of the main opposition Labor party, Angela Rayner. The fish stinks from the head.

The leader of the Conservative Party in Scotland, Douglas Ross, openly opposed Johnson and, like four other Tory MPs, called for his resignation. Labor MP Lisa Nandy told the BBC Johnson’s attitude was unacceptable. Johnson’s participation in the party triggered horror and disgust among the surviving relatives of the corona dead who were unable to say goodbye to their relatives.

Security Secretary Damian Hinds told Sky News that the recent reports had shocked him. “It was a particularly dark time for our entire country.”

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