Local providers offer a mini wedding fair

What if seasonal bouquets, amuse-bouche concocted with local ingredients or even artisanal announcements are a little bigger part of weddings? This is the idea of ​​a dozen Bordeaux service providers who are offering a free information evening on Thursday, November 18 from 6.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. at the Buro des Possibles, in the Saint-Michel district of Bordeaux. The bride and groom, provided with a health pass, are requested
to register online ahead of the event. These small businesses have often seen an increase in their activities during lockdowns, and many weddings will be held in 2022 after forced cancellations during the crisis. The time seems ideal to them to launch an assault on this market.

A more intimate setting, with local actors

Contrary to classic wedding salons where you have to elbow your way among the crowd and where meetings are linked, this group of service providers wants to slow down the pace and offer something “intimate”, specifies Amandine Baconnier, co-manager of the Kraft flower and toy store, located in Nansouty, which is at the origin of the event. “We work with seasonal and local flowers when possible,” she explains. During the health crisis, the supply of flowers from Holland was complicated if not impossible and this facilitated the meeting with producers from the Gironde, such as Gabrielle Brault, of Fleurs d’Aquitaine. In total, the florist works with four producers in the region and also sources a lot from farmers in the south of France. Kraft also offers the rental of wooden games to entertain guests.

On the gastronomic side, By my cookie, which makes its cookies with as many local products as possible, has chosen to embark on the event niche, after simply responding, initially, to customer requests. “A buffet of mini cookies has its effect whether it is for the arrival cocktail, the brunch the next day or even the midnight snack,” assures Alexandra Maillet, one of the founders of the Bordeaux brand. We can also imagine offering them to replace the sweets in the children’s corner ”. For the bride and groom who would like to free themselves from the traditional little cabbages, this may be an enticing avenue.

Among the speakers mobilized for this evening, we also find The taste of paper which offers tailor-made and artisanal announcements and the caterer adept at sustainable food La Bulle. The idea is to offer the possibility of a meeting with each of the service providers, without any obligation of “package”, to best meet the expectations of the bride and groom who sometimes postpone their union since 2020.

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