ll fall of a motorbike (stolen) and the hideout before the arrival of help

He thought his subterfuge would go unnoticed. It was without counting on a resident of the district of Croix-Daurade, in Toulouse, who attended the scene. Shortly before 4 a.m. this Friday morning, a motorcycle driver fell heavily on the road, damaging the fence of a house in the process. Injured, he gets up and a local resident notices that he is going to hide the two-wheeler a little further.

Emergency services are called and he is taken to the hospital. Coming to the scene of the accident, the police collect the testimony of the resident who reveals to them where the big engine is. Passing the license plate on file, they find that this motorcycle was stolen last July. And what is more, the injured young person does not hold a driving license. After treatment, he was arrested and taken into custody.

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