Liz Truss: a prime minister in freefall – politics

She announced tax cuts for the rich, shocked the financial markets, the country anyway. And this time, at the Tories’ convention, there will be no singing, but arguing. Liz Truss and the question: how much can a head of government get wrong in 29 days?


Michael Neudecker, Birmingham

Before Liz Truss takes the stage in the hall of the conference center in Birmingham on Wednesday, her new lectern has to be brought in. They had it specially made when Truss was elected Britain’s new prime minister by members of the Tories four weeks ago, the lectern is mounted on a twisted wooden stand that looks like a bunch of kids have piled their building blocks together: it’s about to be something yes never The lectern was already set up for her inaugural speech in front of the black door of Downing Street a month ago, which was also noticeable at the time because Boris Johnson had given his farewell speech in front of the same door on the same day, with another, his old lectern. The lectern thing is a little ridiculous, but there are always images and messages in politics and the Tories are trying hard to portray the new Prime Minister, who has been in government for ten years, as the woman with whom everything changes. Everything new, even the desk.

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