Livia: Missing 10-year-old discovered 80 kilometers from home – arrest

panorama North Rhine-Westphalia

Missing ten-year-old discovered 80 kilometers from home – person arrested

Missing 10-year-old discovered 80 kilometers from home

The police in North Rhine-Westphalia were searching for a missing ten-year-old from Brackel with a large contingent. The girl didn’t come home after school ended at 1 p.m. And this despite the fact that Livia was considered reliable.

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The police had deployed helicopters, sniffer dogs and divers to find a missing ten-year-old girl from Brakel (North Rhine-Westphalia). Livia had not come home after school. The child has now been found. She is alive, but her case remains a mystery.

MOn Wednesday, the police in North Rhine-Westphalia searched for a missing ten-year-old girl from Brakel with a large contingent. The girl had not come home after school had finished at 1 p.m., even though Livia was considered reliable. A manhunt with a photo had even been launched.

The child was found hours later, police in Höxter reported. “She is alive and doing well considering the circumstances,” the “Picture“ newspaper quoted a police spokesman. When asked by WELT, a spokesman for the Höxter police confirmed this.

Nevertheless, the case remains mysterious. The girl with the blonde braids was discovered at night 80 kilometers from home in Fritzlar, Hesse. Why she was there is not yet known. The “Bild” newspaper quotes the police as saying that a violent crime cannot be ruled out. “Several leads” are currently being followed up. “No further information can be given at this time,” they said when asked.

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There are now initial signs of a kidnapping. The “Bild” newspaper reports that there are indications that a red van was involved. According to the report, a student from Brakel remembered the license plate number, which put the police on the trail of the driver. A cell phone tracking led investigators to the suspect. The man was arrested at around 4 a.m. and is currently being questioned.

The police later confirmed an arrest, but did not want to provide any information about the identity of the suspect. Whether it was a man or a woman could not be made public at this time, said the police spokesman. The suspect was not arrested in Fritzlar, where the girl was found, but in Rhineland-Palatinate, said a spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office. He did not give the exact location. At the same time, the investigators appealed: “In order to protect the personal rights of the child and her family, no further information will be given at this time about the exact circumstances of the disappearance.” People are asked not to participate in speculation about the crime.

The police used helicopters, sniffer dogs and divers to find Livia. Local residents also helped search the area where the child disappeared. According to Bild, the girl and her family belong to the Mennonite Free Church community and are the eldest of four children.

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