Liveblog: ++ Selenskyj denies Nord Stream sabotage ++

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Status: 08.06.2023 09:51 a.m

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy denies allegations of sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines. NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg chairs an emergency meeting on the Kachowka Dam. All developments in the live blog.

After the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in the Cherson war zone in southern Ukraine, water masses continue to flow out of the reservoir. The water level in the lake had dropped by one meter within 24 hours and was 13.05 meters as of this morning (7:00 a.m. CEST), according to the state hydroelectric power plant operator Ukrhydroenergo in Kiev.

Meanwhile, the masonry is getting more and more damaged. The water is currently flowing freely through the shattered dam. Together with the state energy supplier Ukrenerho, measures are now being explored to reduce the negative consequences of the damage to the Kachowka hydroelectric power plant, the group said. For example, the operation of other hydroelectric power plants and dams upstream of the destroyed plant on the Dnipro River should be changed to dam more water in front of the Kakhovka station and reduce pressure and flooding in the south of the country.

In the regional capital of Kherson, the flood level was 5.61 meters this morning, according to Ukrainian military governor Oleksandr Prokudin. According to the authorities, evacuations from flooded apartments and houses are underway. But many people didn’t want to leave the area, Produkin said. The regional capital is under Ukrainian control – unlike most of the left bank region, which is occupied by Russian troops. Because of the acts of war, the work of helpers is difficult and dangerous. According to Ukrainian data, 600 square kilometers are currently under water, including 32 percent on territory controlled by Kiev and 68 percent on territory occupied by Moscow.

According to Kiev, tens of thousands of people are threatened by the floods after the explosion of the Kakhovka dam.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa informed Russia’s head of state Vladimir Putin in a telephone call about a planned peace push by African heads of state and government. According to the South African Presidential Office, Putin welcomed the initiative and expressed his desire to receive the delegation from Africa.

A spokesman for Ramaphosa said yesterday that no date had been set for the visit. In May he told Reuters that the delegation was expected to travel to Ukraine and Russia later in June to try to persuade both sides to cease hostilities. A Russia-Africa summit in St. Petersburg is also planned for the end of July. Ramaphosa and Putin also talked about this in their phone call, according to the statement by the South African presidential office.

South Africa describes itself as “neutral” – and is planning a joint military maneuver.

According to the British secret service, heavy fighting is still going on in several sectors of the front in Ukraine. The Ukrainians retained the initiative in most areas, the Defense Ministry’s daily intelligence report on the war in Ukraine said in London today.

The Russian troops were probably ordered to attack as soon as possible. Chechen units made an unsuccessful attempt to take the town of Mariivka near the city of Donetsk. Water levels continued to rise after the rupture of the Kakhovka Dam in southern Ukraine yesterday, but are expected to recede later today, the British said. Shelling made it difficult to evacuate civilians in the flooded areas.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has warned of the catastrophic consequences for landmine location after the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine. “We knew where the dangers were,” said Erik Tollefsen, head of the ICRC’s arms exposure department. “Now we don’t know. All we know is that they are somewhere downstream.” This is very worrying both for the affected population and “for all those who come to help”.

Tollefsen commented on the presentation of a drone developed with the help of artificial intelligence. This can localize mines and explosive residues because of the heat they emit. One day it could be used in Ukraine. For several months, the ICRC has assisted in demining operations in Ukraine, mapping and marking minefields and providing training and equipment. “Now all of that has been washed away,” he said.

According to the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), EU states should prepare for the permanent integration of refugees from Ukraine. Existing aid measures should be better geared to women and children, who make up the majority of refugees, the agency demanded in its annual report on Thursday in Vienna. According to the UN refugee agency UNHCR, around 8.3 million people have fled Ukraine since the Russian war of aggression began in February 2022. Of these, around 5.1 million enjoy temporary protection under special regulations in the EU, Switzerland and Norway without having to apply for asylum.

FRA positively emphasized that in some EU countries, such as Germany, the accommodation of people from Ukraine is regulated centrally by the state or distributed evenly within the state. The Fundamental Rights Agency called for improvements in language training and the recognition of diplomas. It is also important to integrate Ukrainian children into schools and kindergartens – not only for their development, but also for their mothers’ career opportunities. In addition, tailored help is needed for Ukrainian women who have experienced sexual violence or exploitation.

Former US Vice President Mike Pence said he would continue to support Ukraine militarily against Russia as President of the United States. “We have to give the people of Ukraine the ability to fight,” Pence said during a question and answer session with citizens on CNN.

He also dished out against his former boss, ex-President Donald Trump. He called Kremlin boss Vladimir Putin a “genius” when he invaded. “I know the difference between a genius and a war criminal and I know who needs to win the war in Ukraine – and it’s the people who are fighting for their freedom and for the restoration of their national sovereignty in Ukraine,” Pence said.

Pence had previously made his application for the Republican presidential nomination public with a video.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has denied his government’s involvement in the sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines. “I am the president and I give orders accordingly. Ukraine has done nothing of the sort. I would never act like that,” Zelenskyy said in an interview with “Bild”, “Welt” and “Politico”. When asked about a relevant article in the Washington Post, he demanded evidence of Ukrainian involvement.

The US reportedly had information about Ukrainian plans three months before the blasts.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has scheduled an emergency meeting with Ukraine for today over the partial destruction of the Kakhovka Dam in southern Ukraine. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba is scheduled to take part in the NATO-Ukraine Commission meeting via video link. According to Kuleba, the meeting is taking place at his request.

Ukraine and Russia blame each other for the explosion that partially destroyed the dam on the Dnipro River on Tuesday night. Huge amounts of water leaked out and flooded large areas of southern Ukraine. Thousands of people have already been evacuated, and concerns are also growing about an imminent environmental disaster.

In southern Ukraine, tens of thousands are without drinking water after the dam burst.

The current developments on the war against Ukraine in our live blog.

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