LIVE – “With the motion of censure, the Nupes risks burning their fingers”, according to Attal

Reduction of public spending: Bruno Le Maire leaves the hand to Parliament

Three days after the warning from the Court of Auditors on the deterioration of public finances, Bruno Le Maire announced on Sunday that he would entrust parliamentarians with the task of sending him proposals for reducing public spending.

In addition to the two “priorities” which are purchasing power and full employment, “I propose that we radically change the method to reduce the expenditure” of the State, indicated the Minister of Finance on the occasion of the Rencontres economic centers of Aix-en-Provence.

“I propose that it is the parliamentarians who take up the subject, and no longer the government”, added the n°2 of the executive, who confirmed the presence of the Renaissance deputy Daniel Labaronne within a “task force which will fundamentally rethink public spending”. “I consider that the only ones who have the legitimacy to do this work are the deputies and the senators”, judged Bruno Le Maire, who all the same dismissed from the outset “the savings of bits of candle”

“The little planing on the 5 euros of APL (personalized housing aid), not sure if this is our greatest success of the last five years”, he quipped. He also proposed to organize at the start of the “Assises des finances publics” in order to “look together, parliamentarians and government, at what choices we are coming to”.

Purchasing power: Bergé open to “compromises” but “not at any price”

The leader of the Renaissance deputies Aurore Bergé said she was open to “compromises” with the opposition on the purchasing power bill, but “not at any price”, Sunday in the JDD.

“It won’t be ‘whatever it costs!’

In an Assembly without an absolute majority for the macronists, “yes, we need to have an absolute and permanent search for compromise. But we will not do it at any price”, underlines the president of the LaREM group, now called Renaissance.

Aurore Bergé evokes possible discussions with “the republican arc”, from which she excludes “the far right” RN and “the far left” LFI.

“There will only be a war of succession if the five-year term is successful”: Aurore Bergé rejects the idea of ​​”creating stables for 2027″

While the press JDD in the leadechoes new ambitions within the government with a view to 2027, and that Edouard Philippe has just sent a video postcard to his supporters, Aurore Bergé, patroness of the Renaissance group in the National Assembly warned in the Sunday newspaper: “There will be no war of succession unless the five-year term is successful, and it will only be so if we stand together.”

Renaissance (new name of LaREM), MoDem, but also Agir, Horizons etc. The formations of the majority are plethora and each seems the vehicle of a personal aspiration. “Our subject is not to create stables for 2027”, however assured Aurore Bergé.

Lecornu confirms the end of Barkhane in Mali but recalls that the “security of the French passes through Africa”

The Minister of the Armed Forces will fly to Niger on Friday. As a prelude to this trip, the Minister of the Armed Forces spoke of France’s position in Africa in the JDD this Sunday. Sébastien Lecornu confirmed that the Barkhane Force was living its last hours in Mali: “We have already closed the bases of Menaka and Gossi. There remains that of Gao. We are not rigid on the timetable and this departure could take place between the end of August and September”.

However, this is not the end of France’s presence in the region, where France maintains 2,500 soldiers for the time being. In any case, this is what the rest of the minister’s remarks suggest: “The security of the French passes through the African continent”.

“La Nupes risks burning their fingers” by filing a motion of censure, believes Attal

Admittedly, he recently swapped the spokesperson for the Ministry Delegate for Public Accounts, but this more technical position does not prevent him from tackling very political subjects on behalf of the executive. In an interview he gave in the issue of Parisian this Sunday, Gabriel Attal, thus crosses swords with the opposition.

While the Nupes, led by rebellious France, is preparing to table a motion of censure on Monday in order to overthrow the government – without much hope of achieving this, however – Gabriel Attal launched: “With the motion of censure, the Nupes hopes to put us on the grill but she risks burning her fingers”.

Commenting on the desire expressed by Jean-Luc Mélenchon to lead a large march against the high cost of living in September, he was even ironic: “La France insoumise tells us: ‘Let’s bring down the government in July, and let’s meet in demonstration at the start of the school year. , and in the meantime ‘happy holidays’!”

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