LIVE – War in Ukraine: three dead in the Russian city of Belgorod after “strong explosions”

Zelensky adviser says Lyssychansk could fall to Russians

Oleksiy Arestovych, an adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, indicated that the city of Lyssytchansk, located in the Donbass and subjected for several days to important combats, could fall into the hands of the Russians.

This same adviser indicated that the Russian forces had crossed the river Siverskiy Donets, and that they were approaching the locality from the north.

“It is indeed a threat. We will see. I do not exclude any scenario. Things will become clearer in a day or two,” he said, as reported by the Guardian and Reuters.

Russian media assure that Ukrainians bombed the airfield in the occupied city of Melitopol

As reported by the Kyiv Independent, the Russian media RIA Novosti, controlled by Moscow, ensured that Ukrainian forces had shelled the occupied city of Melitopol.

The bombings would have intervened in the night from Saturday to Sunday, twice. kyiv has not yet confirmed or denied this information.

Four civilians have been killed since Friday in Sloviansk

In Sloviansk, which has been under rocket fire day and night for at least a week affecting residential areas, at least four civilians have been killed and 12 injured since Friday morning, according to the governor of the Donetsk region, Pavlo Kyrylenko.

A rocket attack notably hit inhabited houses on Friday evening, causing the death of a woman who was in her garden and injuring her husband, a neighbor told an AFP journalist on Saturday, showing the damage caused to buildings. neighborhood.

The city’s mayor, Vadym Liakh, accused Russian forces of using cluster munitions, banned by international treaties to which Moscow is not a party.

At least three dead in the Russian city of Belgorod, targeted by “strong explosions” this Sunday

The governor of the region where the Russian city of Belgorod is located, Vyacheslav Gladkov, indicated early this Sunday on Telegram that the locality had been targeted by strikes, without however specifying their origin.

At least 11 residential buildings were targeted, along with 39 homes. Three people are said to have died in these strikes, and two people were taken to hospital. An adult, in serious condition, and a 10-year-old child.

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A still confused situation in Lysytchansk

Lyssytchansk, a city in Donbass where major fighting has been concentrated for several days, finds itself in a confused situation this Sunday.

In a video posted on social media, Chechen fighters filmed what allegedly happened to them in the city. Pro-Russian separatists announced on Saturday that they had completely surrounded the locality.

Information which was immediately denied by the Ukrainian general staff, which assured that Lyssytchansk remained under Ukrainian control, where there are still 15,000 civilians, out of the approximately 100,000 who lived there before the war.

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