LIVE – War in Ukraine: fighting intensifies in the east, Putin warns of NATO deployments

Unicef ​​warns of a future “catastrophic explosion” in the rate of child malnutrition in the world

An “unprecedented” food crisis? Since the start of the war in Ukraine, the major European powers have been warning about the long-term consequences of the conflict, particularly on agricultural production and exports of Russian and/or Ukrainian products to the southern hemisphere. This Monday, UNICEF is sounding the alarm.

“The world is now on the verge of an explosion of preventable child deaths and cases of childhood wasting,” warns Catherine Russell, director general of Unicef.

Evacuation of Ukrainian soldiers from Azovstal: Zelensky says ‘Ukraine needs living heroes’

More than 260 Ukrainian soldiers, therefore 53 wounded, entrenched in the Azovstal factory in Mariupol, last stronghold of Ukrainian resistance in Mariupolwere evacuated on Monday to territories controlled by pro-Russian and Russian forces, Kyiv announced. In the evening, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky issued a clear message: “Ukraine needs living Ukrainian heroes.”

“It’s our principle. I think everyone will understand these words,” he said, as the 260 Ukrainian fighters are in two cities in the East, with no possibility of reaching the West.

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Over 260 Ukrainian fighters evacuated from Azovstal

More than 260 Ukrainian fighters, including 53 wounded, were evacuated from the Azovstal steelworks on Monday, last stronghold of Ukrainian resistance in Mariupolannounced a Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister, Ganna Malyar.

“On May 16, 53 seriously injured were evacuated from Azovstal to Novoazovsk for medical assistance and 211 others were transported to Olenivka through a humanitarian corridor”, these two localities being in territory controlled by Russian and pro-Russian forces, a-t – she declared in a video, specifying that they would later be “exchanged”.

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