LIVE – Variant Omicron: a New Year under restrictions, the mask again mandatory outdoors in Paris

Celebrate the transition to the new year by limiting the risks

For French people wishing to close Chapter 2021 surrounded by their relatives, doctors are making several recommendations to limit the risk of transmission of Covid-19.

Among the latter, they call for regular airing of the rooms – 10 minutes every hour – and to be tested before the evening. Regarding the number of guests, “we must maintain a maximum level of 10-12 people”, advises doctor Patrick Berche.

Tests, small committee, at home: how will the French celebrate the New Year?

Faced with the epidemic resurgence and the strong push of the Omicron variant, now majority in France, many are the French to have changed their program for the New Year’s Eve. Festive moment par excellence, conducive to reunion and effusions, the New Year, while several daily contamination records have been broken in recent days, is dreaded by many people this year.

According to a Harris Interactive poll for LCI, broadcast Monday, December 27, 63% of French people intend to stay at home this Friday evening, without guests outside their home. An extremely high rate, which, given the developments of the last few days, could still evolve.

64,000 children aged 5 to 11 vaccinated since the start of the campaign

The vaccination campaign for children is advancing. 64,000 young people aged 5 to 11 have received their first injection of vaccine against Covid-19 since the opening of the campaign on December 22, announced this Thursday the Secretary of State in charge of child protection Adrien Taquet in an interview with Huffington Post.

“In all, 64,000 children have been vaccinated since the start of the campaign, this includes fragile children who were eligible before December 22,” said Adrien Taquet, specifying that 15,000 appointments were made the day after the opening vaccination for this age group.

South Africa lifts curfew, without seeing a peak in deaths

South Africa, where was detected last month the new variant of Covid-19, Omicron, announced Thursday that it passed the peak of the Omicron wave without a significant increase in the number of deaths.

“All indicators suggest that the country has probably passed the peak of the fourth wave” of the pandemic, the presidency said in a statement, announcing the lifting of certain health restrictions and in particular the night curfew.

“A marginal increase in the number of deaths has been observed in all provinces.”

What to do and not to do for the New Year

For New Year’s Eve, the French like to meet in closed places, dance until the end of the night and kiss when midnight comes. Practices not very compatible with the circulation of a new ultra-contagious variant, called Omicron.

Private parties, bars, gatherings in the streets … An update on what it will be possible or not to do this Friday evening to celebrate the passage in 2022.

The Omicron variant now the majority in France

A meteoric progression. This Thursday, Public health France announced that the Omicron variant has become the majority nationwide.

Indeed, 62.4% of positive tests were linked to the new strain that appeared in South Africa at the beginning of the week, against only 15% on December 13.

The mask becomes compulsory again in Paris from today

From this Friday, going out without a mask in the street in Paris, but also in Lyon or in other Ile-de-France departments, will be liable to a fine. Faced with the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic linked to the Omicron variant, and to prevent the risks associated with New Year’s Eve, the mask is once again mandatory outdoors in many cities.

An announcement that sparked a wave of negative reactions, many calling this measure “absurd” or “unnecessary”. Is wearing a mask outside really useful? The point in our article.

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