LIVE – Ukraine: Zelensky welcomes “a step forward” after the American green light for strikes in Russia

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed Friday “a step forward” after the green light, subject to conditions, given by the United States concerning the use of its weapons against targets on Russian soil.
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The Ukrainian Air Force reports that Russia fired 53 missiles and 47 drones overnight from Friday to Saturday.


Visiting Sweden for the third Ukraine-Northern Europe summit, Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed Friday “a step forward” after the United States’ decision concerning the use of its weapons against military targets on Russian soil. A position also taken by several Western countries, including Germany and France. Other allies, such as Italy, are currently opposed to it.

In Russia, a women’s organization campaigning for the return of men mobilized in Ukraine as well as a former presidential candidate, Ekaterina Dountsova, were classified as “foreign agents”. A label inherited from the Soviet era which aims to muzzle criticism of Kremlin policy.

Russia on Friday classified as “foreign agents” a women’s organization campaigning for the return of men mobilized in Ukraine in the war launched by Vladimir Putin, as well as a former presidential candidate calling for an end to the conflict. Moscow uses this label, heavy with connotations from the Soviet era, accompanied by very strict administrative constraints, to muzzle and silence critics of the Kremlin.

The Ministry of Justice on Friday included in the register of “foreign agents” the “Put domoï” (the way back) movement, which had organized small gatherings of women demanding the return of men from the front. The ministry argued that this movement had worked to create a “negative image” of Russia and the Russian army, and called for illegal demonstrations.

He also included in this register Ekaterina Dountsova, a former local elected official who had tried to present her candidacy for the presidential election last March, won without any surprise by Putin, with the end of the offensive in Ukraine on her program, but had saw his file refused.

The register of foreign agents is also enriched, notably by the independent online media Sota, which is accused of having criticized the offensive in Ukraine.

The editorial staff of TF1info

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