LIVE – Ukraine: Le Pen accuses Macron of wanting to “enter the war against Russia”

The RN MP opposes Emmanuel Macron, who wants to allow the use of Western weapons to “neutralize” Russian military bases.
This “would be a further step of investment in this conflict”.
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A Ukrainian brigade agreed to take the LCI team there, to meet the soldiers and the last inhabitants who refuse to leave.



EU member states agreed on Thursday to impose prohibitive customs duties on imports of Russian agricultural products, which are currently largely exempt, announced European Trade Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis.

This measure, proposed in March by the European Commission, aims to “dry up” revenue allowing Moscow to finance its war in Ukraine, to “stop the illegal export of grain stolen from Ukraine” and to prevent Moscow from “destabilizing” the agricultural markets, Mr. Dombrovskis said on the social network


The head of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, accused Emmanuel Macron on Thursday of wanting to “go straight into the war with Russia”, after the French president’s remarks who want to allow the use of Western weapons to “neutralize” Russian military bases.

This “would be an additional step of investment in this conflict”, which “creates an absolutely staggering danger to the security of our compatriots (and) to the integrity of our territory”, she declared on franceinfo , denouncing “mechanics of entry into world war”.


The Russian Defense Ministry said this morning that it had neutralized 13 Ukrainian aerial drones in the Krasnodar region (south) and near the annexed Crimean peninsula. “Five Ukrainian aerial drones were shot down by air defense systems over the Krasnodar region,” the ministry said in a statement. Eight other aerial drones were intercepted during the night “above the Black Sea, near the coast of Crimea”, according to the same source.

The Russian army also claims to have destroyed two Ukrainian naval drones last night in the Black Sea, which were “headed towards Crimea”. In addition, eight ATACMS tactical missiles were destroyed by Russian anti-aircraft defenses over the Sea of ​​Azov, near Crimea.


Gabriel Attal believes that neither the National Rally nor France Insoumise are credible in terms of diplomacy. The government spokesperson deplores that the elected representatives of the two parties in the European Parliament refused to vote on a support plan for Ukraine. The RN and LFI today assume their position during this election, which took place before the war.



On the X platform, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky assures that kyiv “continues to counter Russia’s attempts to weaken the peace summit, which will take place in two weeks.” A meeting which will bring together at least 90 countries from June 15 to 16, in Switzerland, at the request of Ukraine and in the absence of Moscow. “Russia is no longer in a position to cause the summit to fail, even if it spares no effort to achieve this objective. Russia is putting pressure on the leaders and openly threatening several countries with destabilization,” criticized Volodymyr Zelensky.


NATO is meeting today and tomorrow in Prague under pressure from some of its members, including France, who want Ukraine to now be able to strike Russian soil with the weapons that the Allies provide it.

Hello and welcome to this live broadcast dedicated to the war in Ukraine. Find the latest information on the subject.

Former President Nicolas Sarkozy issues “serious doubts” on the possibility mentioned by Emmanuel Macron of sending Western troops to Ukraine to fight Russia, in an interview with Figaro. “Being strong with (Vladimir) Putin means taking the risk of negotiating directly and firmly with him, not of engaging in a warlike spiral with incalculable consequences”says the former head of state, believing that Ukraine must “maintain the link (…) between the Slavic world and Europe”.

“As for sending ground troops, allow me to express serious doubts”he adds, returning to the controversy created at the end of February by Emmanuel Macron who affirmed that the sending of Western armed forces to Ukrainian soil should not “be excluded” in the future.

“I cannot bring myself to see the country of Tolstoy and that of Balzac go to war. Have we even thought about the consequences?”warns Mr. Sarkozy, specifying however that he has “cordial relations” with the current head of state and that he “likes to talk with him”.

If he assures that “some” of his ideas “please” to Emmanuel Macron, he recognizes that “that doesn’t mean he adopts them”adding that he disagrees “with everything he has done”.

The editorial staff of TF1info

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